#acl All:read = Genetic terminology & definitions = Most definitions and abbreviations are included into the [[http://www.mblogic.net/glossary|Glossary of molecular biology terms and abbreviations]] (my hobby since 2003). On this page only some interesting facts about genetic terms and concepts are collected. == Genome == First usage (in German): H. Winkler Verbreitung u. Ursache d. Parthenogenesis (1920) iv. 165 First usage in English: 1930 Cytologia I. 14 Chromosomes from different sets (or genoms) of Triticum vulgare show affinity toward each other. == Literature == * [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=11976434&query_hl=20&itool=pubmed_docsum|Genomics. A crisis in postgenomic nomenclature]] - Science 2002, Fields S, Johnston M. ''To avoid proliferation of 'ome terms, each 'ome should have at least 7 or 8 members. The 'ome name should also include the state of the cell it refers to (ex. 37ยบ-7.4-G1-Golgi-N-but-not-O-linked glycosylome or to use E.C. standards.'' == Links == * [[http://www.hgvs.org/mutnomen/recs.html|Recommendations for the description of sequence variants]] from the Human Genome Variation Society