#acl All:read = Upcoming Conferences, Courses or Invited Lectures = == 2025 == = Previous Conferences and Invited Lectures = == 2025 == Jan.27.2025:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA == 2024 == Dec.9.2024:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Medicine by Design Annual Symposium, Toronto, ON Dec.6.2024:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Nov.8.2024:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: University of California, San Francisco, CA Oct.30.2024:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD Oct.28.2024:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee Oct.9.2024:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[http://bioinfo.matf.bg.ac.rs/home/events.wafl|Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Belgrade]] (virtual) Jul 12, 2024 – Jul 16, 2024:: :: The International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Montreal :: Multiple presentations and posters from our lab. June.1.2024:: :: Interpreting genomics data to support drug discovery? (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[https://pscpartners.org/news-resources/happenings.html/event/2024/06/01/psc-partners-canada-canadian-paediatric-psc-day/473730|PSC Partners Canada: Canadian Paediatric PSC Day]] Toronto, Canada Apr.4.2024:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Canadian Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Conference (CUBEC) (virtual) Feb.29.2024:: :: Mapping the multiscale human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Donnelly Centre seminar series, Toronto, Canada Feb.14.2024:: :: How are multicellular systems generated from a single cell? (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Sick Kids Developmental Biology program seminar series, Toronto, Canada == 2023 == Dec.14.2023:: :: Priorities for the Human Cell Atlas (Gary Bader, invited panelist) :: Human Cell Atlas Town Hall, Virtual Nov.27.2023:: :: Mapping the Multiscale Human (Gary Bader, invited lecture, keynote) :: Human Cell Atlas Asia meeting, Kolkata, India Nov.24.2023:: :: Mapping the Multiscale Human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Sick Kids Cell Biology program seminar series, Toronto, Canada Nov.3.2023:: :: Mapping the Multiscale Human (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: CIFAR Multiscale Human Program Meeting, Hinxton, UK Oct.14.2023:: :: Interpreting genomics data to support drug discovery? (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[https://icsb2023.bioscience-ct.net/Program/abstractlist/index.html|WHAT THE CELL?! - Exploring PSC on a Cellular Level: a PSC Partners Canada Event]] Toronto, Canada Oct.10.2023:: :: How is cell diversity generated during development? (Gary Bader, invited lecture, session chair) :: [[https://pscpartners.org/news-resources/happenings.html/event/2023/10/15/what-the-cell-exploring-psc-on-a-cellular-level-a-psc-partners-canada-event/451971|International Conference of Systems Biology]] Hartford, CT Aug.4.2023:: :: Is cancer a wound that keeps on healing? A new perspective on glioblastoma (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[https://coursesandconferences.wellcomeconnectingscience.org/event/single-cell-genomics-latin-america-and-the-caribbean-20230728/|Single Cell Genomics - Latin America and the Caribbean]] INCA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Mar.29.2023:: :: Is cancer a wound that keeps on healing? A new perspective on glioblastoma (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Physiology, Biophysics & Systems Biology Seminar Series, Cornell Weill, New York, NY Feb.10.2023:: :: Towards rational targeting of tumour initiating cells in GBM (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Faculty Seminar, Toronto == 2022 == Dec.11.2022:: :: Futures panel (Gary Bader, invited panelist) :: [[https://cns-iu.github.io/workshops/2021-12-10_24hour_science_map/|24 hour science map event]], Virtual Nov.10.2022:: :: Enabling comprehensive genetic analysis of millions of human samples (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Donnelly Centre seminar series, Toronto Nov.1.2022:: :: Is cancer a wound that keeps on healing? A new perspective on glioblastoma (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Medicine by Design next generation disease models series, Virtual, Toronto July.11.2022:: :: Disease analysis with NLP (Gary Bader, invited panelist) :: [[https://www.iscb.org/ismb2022-program/abstracts/text-mining|ISMB 2022, Madison, WI]], Virtual January 25, 2022:: :: How is cell diversity generated during development? (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/labo/cambam/en/|Center for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine, Montreal]], virtual Jan.18.2022:: :: Developing a cellular ecosystem model of human tissue organization (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: University of Verona, Virtual == 2021 == Nov.30, 2021:: :: Transcriptional signatures of ligand-receptor interactions (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Klarman Cell Observatory single-cell genomics seminar, Broad Institute, Boston Nov.24, 2021:: :: Is cancer a wound that keeps on healing? A new perspective on glioblastoma (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Virtual LTRI Seminar Series, Toronto Nov.19, 2021:: :: Capturing scientific knowledge in computable form using Biofactoid (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, California Sep.27, 2021:: :: Single cell biology and computational analysis methods (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[https://www.hbvmeeting.org/|2021 International HBV Meeting]], Toronto July 30-Aug 2, 2021:: :: Tempora: Cell trajectory inference using time-series single-cell RNA sequencing data (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[https://www.mccmb.info/|Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB)]], virtual, hybrid June 21-25, 2021:: :: Gene function prediction using unsupervised biological network integration (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[https://belbi.bg.ac.rs/?page_id=19|Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference - BelBI2021]], virtual June 17, 2021:: :: Transcriptional signatures of ligand-receptor interactions (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: EMBL-EBI Industry Programme Workshop on Network Reconstructions from Multi-Level Data, virtual April 21, 2021:: :: Gene function prediction using unsupervised biological network integration (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: NetSci seminar series, Indiana University Network Science Institute, virtual April 7, 2021:: :: Volumetric nanoscale imaging of the human liver (Gary Bader, lecture) :: CZI Seed Networks Computational Biology Meeting, virtual March 19, 2021:: :: Transcriptional signatures of ligand-receptor interactions (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[https://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings.aspx?meet=network&year=21|CSHL Network Biology Meeting]], virtual March 15, 2021:: :: How is cell diversity generated during development? (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[https://www.csh-asia.org/?content/1087|Frontiers of biomedicine empowered by computational approaches and biophysical principles]], virtual February 10, 2021:: :: Is Cancer a Wound that Keeps on Healing? A New Perspective on Glioblastoma (Gary Bader) :: PRiME February Research Rounds, Toronto February 3, 2021:: :: Single cell biology (liver & brain) and computational analysis methods (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Medicine by Design single cell genomics discussion group, Toronto == 2020 == December 8, 2020:: :: Crowdsourcing scientific knowledge - the Biofactoid project (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: NIH druggable genome project meeting November 18, 2020:: :: An atlas of human liver diversity over a lifespan (Gary Bader) :: CZI Seed Networks annual meeting, virtual November 5, 2020:: :: Systems biology from single cell genomics to network data integration (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: University of Tübingen, QBiC seminar series, virtual October 8, 2020:: :: Is cancer a wound that keeps on healing? A new perspective on glioblastoma (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Princess Margaret Cancer Centre seminar series, Toronto October 1, 2020:: :: Tempora: Cell trajectory inference using time-series single-cell RNA sequencing data (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: The Donnelly Centre seminar series, Toronto September 24, 2020:: :: An atlas of human liver diversity over a lifespan (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: [[http://www2.fesbe.org.br/human-cell-atlas-latin-america-virtual-workshop-24-25-september-2020/|HCA Latin America]], virtual July 14, 2020:: :: Gene function prediction using unsupervised biological network integration (Gary Bader, keynote lecture) :: Function COSI, ISMB 2020 virtual conference February 14, 2020:: :: How is cell diversity generated during development? (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Whitney Laboratory, Florida February 13, 2020:: :: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdBaqB_bOQI|The Human Cell Atlas, Mapping the Human Body Cell by Cell]](Gary Bader, invited public lecture) :: Evenings at Whitney, Whitney Laboratory, Florida January 31, 2020:: :: How is cell diversity generated during development? (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: UTM Biology, Toronto, Canada January 23, 2020:: :: How is cell diversity generated during development? (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: BiophysTO, Toronto, Canada == 2019 == October 21, 2019:: :: [[https://www.bumc.bu.edu/biochemistry/center-for-network-system-biology-symposium/|CNSB: Inaugural Symposium BU Center for Network Systems Biology]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Boston, MA July 20-Aug 1, 2019:: :: Chan Zuckerberg seed networks conference :: Toronto, Canada May 23-24, 2019:: :: Human Cell Atlas conference :: Tokyo, Japan == 2018 == November 19, 2018:: :: [[http://www.vib.be/en/training/research-training/courses/Pages/Challenges-within-and-between-omics-data-integration.aspx|Challenges within and between omics data integration]] (Gary Bader, keynote lecture) :: Ghent, Belgium November 5, 2018:: :: Pathway analysis of genomics data (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Boston, MA November 1-2, 2018:: :: Human Cell Atlas General Meeting (https://www.humancellatlas.org/meetings/8) (Gary Bader, invited session chair) :: Boston, MA October 24, 2018:: :: CZI East Coast Science Retreat (Gary Bader, keynote lecture) :: Woods Hole, MA April 29, 2018:: :: ALS Canada, Annual Conference (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Toronto, Canada March 22, 2018:: :: Rudbeck Lab seminar, Uppsala University (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Uppsala, Sweden == 2017 == November 21, 2017:: :: The Lady Davis Institute and Segal Cancer Centre seminar series (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Montreal, Quebec, Canada October 18-19, 2017:: :: Human Cell Atlas General Meeting (https://www.humancellatlas.org/meetings/8) (Gary Bader, invited session chair) :: Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel July 23, 2017:: :: NetBio COSI at ISMB/ECCB 2017 (https://www.iscb.org/cms_addon/conferences/ismbeccb2017/netbio.php) (Gary Bader, keynote lecture) :: Prague, Czech Republic July 18, 2017:: :: Interdisciplinary Signalling Workshop (http://signalingworkshop.org/) (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Visegrad, Hungary June 19, 2017:: :: Oregon Health & Science University, Basic Sciences Joint Seminar (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Portland, OR, USA May 18, 2017:: :: University of Connecticut, Health Center, CCAM seminar series (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Farmington, CT, USA Mar 1, 2017:: :: Hospital for Sick Children, Genome Medicine Symposium (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Feb 10, 2017:: :: Brock University seminar series (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada Jan 23-24, 2017:: :: Joint University of Toronto-Tel Aviv University workshop on Big Data in Health (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Tel Aviv, Israel == 2016 == Mar 17-18, 2016:: :: [[http://www.vib.be/en/news/Pages/Applied-Bioinformatics-in-Life-Sciences.aspx|Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Leuven, Belgium May 24, 2016:: :: [[http://pspg.ucsf.edu/seminars-events/pspg-seminar-series|Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics (PSPG) seminar series]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA == 2015 == Sep 27-Oct 1, 2015:: :: [[http://ceac.lakecomoschool.org/|Cancer, Evolution and Complexity]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Como, Italy Aug 12-15, 2015:: :: [[http://cibcb2015.cosc.brocku.ca/|2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology]] (Gary Bader, keynote lecture) :: Niagara Falls, Canada Jan 23-30, 2015:: :: [[http://www.bci.mcgill.ca/home/?page_id=491|Precursors to breast cancer and tumor evolution]] :: McGill University, Bellairs Research Institute, Holetown, Barbados == 2014 == Aug 8-10, 2014:: :: [[http://www.digital-science.com/sciencefoo/|Science Foo Camp (SciFoo) 2014]] :: Mountainview, CA July 25, 2014:: :: GAME-ON (Genetic Associations and Mechanisms in Oncology): Association to Function Workshop (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: NIH, Rockville MD July 16, 2014:: :: [[http://www.wi.dhbw-mannheim.de/ansprechpartner/prof-dr-carsten-binnig/teaching/big-data-summer-school-2014-research-day/|Big Data Research @ UofT - Systems and Applications]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: University of Toronto June 9, 2014:: :: [[http://www.slideshare.net/GaryBader/2014-jun9-google|Computational Challenges in Precision Medicine and Genomics]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Google Tech Talk, Waterloo May 29, 2014:: :: [[http://www.braininstitute.ca/homepage|Ontario Brain Institute’s Brain-CODE: Building Analytics for Integrated Neuroscience Data Workshop]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Toronto, Canada May 16-18:: :: [[http://www.iscb.org/glbio2014/|Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference 2014]] - (Gary Bader, Keynote lecture) :: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, University of Cincinnati April 7, 2014:: :: [[http://biocuration2014.events.oicr.on.ca/|BioCuration conference]] (Gary Bader, invited lectures) :: University of Toronto, Toronto April 2, 2014:: :: Interpreting the Functional Consequence of Cancer Mutations (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa March 11, 2014:: :: Pathway Analysis of Genomics Data (Gary Bader, invited lectures) :: Channing Division of Network Medicine, Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston == 2013 == Dec 12-14, 2013:: :: [[http://www.iscb.org/rocky2013|11th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference]] (Gary Bader, keynote lecture) :: Snowmass Village, CO July 15-16, 2013:: :: [[http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/courses/statgene/networks/|2013 Network Analysis Short Course]] (Gary Bader, invited lectures) :: UCLA, Los Angeles, CA June 3-7, 2013:: :: [[http://research.lunenfeld.ca/gwa_studies/?page=Course%20Details|Advanced GWAS Course]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Toronto, Ontario, Canada April 10-11, 2013:: :: [[http://www.bio-itworldexpo.com/Data-Visualization/|BioIT World Conference & Expo]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Boston, MA == 2012 == December 13-14, 2012:: :: [[http://nrnb.org/cyretreat/|9th Annual Cytoscape Workshop]] :: San Francisco, CA November 14-16, 2012:: :: [[https://registration.hinxton.wellcome.ac.uk/display_info.asp?id=334|Open Source Software for Systems, Pathways, Interactions and Networks]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK November 13, 2012:: :: [[http://www.babraham.ac.uk/downloads/BI_Seminars_010912.pdf| Predicting protein-protein interactions from the genome for evolutionary analysis]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, UK August 20-23, 2012:: :: [[http://icsb2012toronto.com/|International Conference on Systems Biology]] :: Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 15-19, 2012:: :: [[http://co.mbine.org/events/COMBINE_2012|COMBINE 2012]] :: Toronto, Ontario, Canada July 14-17, 2012:: :: [[http://www.iscb.org/ismb2012|Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) conference]] :: Long Beach, CA July 13, 2012:: :: [[http://nrnb.org/netbiosig/|Network Biology SIG, ISMB 2012]] :: Long Beach, CA June 25, 2012:: :: [[http://biologie.cuso.ch/staromics/activities/detail-activity/item/courses/yeast-systems-biology/|Yeast Systems Biology]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Fribourg, Switzerland May 28-June 1, 2012:: :: [[http://bioinformatics.ca/workshops/beyond|Cancer Genomics Workshop]] (Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop) :: Toronto, Ontario, Canada June 7-8, 2012:: :: [[http://bioinformatics.ca/workshops/beyond|Pathway and network analysis workshop]] (Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop) :: Toronto, Ontario, Canada April 23-25, 2012:: :: [[http://www.cnpn.ca/events/symposium/index.html|4th Annual CNPN Symposium: Proteomics: from protein structures to clinical applications]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture, Jüri Reimand, invited lecture) :: Toronto, Ontario, Canada May 17-18, 2012:: :: [[http://bimib.disco.unimib.it/index.php/Home|Pathway and Network Analysis Workshop]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Milan, Italy May 21-25, 2012:: :: [[http://harmony2012.eventbrite.com/|HARMONY 2012 meeting]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Maastricht, Netherlands March 20-22, 2012:: :: [[http://www.icgc.org/icgc/media|ICGC Meeting]] :: Cannes, France March 13, 2012:: :: [[http://www.psidev.info/index.php?q=node/459|HUPO PSI Spring meeting 2012]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: UCSD, San Diego, California February 27-March 2, 2012:: :: [[http://www.ima.umn.edu/2011-2012/W2.27-3.2.12/|Network Links: Connecting Social, Communication and Biological Network Analysis]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Minneapolis, Minnesota February 24, 2012:: :: Department of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford University (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Palo Alto, California == 2011 == Oct.12-13, 2011:: :: [[http://gmod.org/wiki/October_2011_GMOD_Meeting|GMOD meeting]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Toronto, Ontario Sep.14-18, 2011:: :: [[http://www.febs.org/index.php?id=482|Protein Modules and Networks in Health and Disease conference]] :: Seefeld, Austria Jul.15-19, 2011:: :: [[http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2011|Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) conference]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Vienna, Austria Jul.7-8, 2011:: :: [[http://bioinformatics.ca/workshops/beyond|Pathway and network analysis workshop]] (Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop) :: Toronto, ON Jun.10-12, 2011:: :: [[http://events.embo.org/11-synthetic-lethality/|Synthetic lethality from yeast to man]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Vienna, Austria May.31-Jun.2, 2011:: :: Pathway and network analysis workshop (training workshop, Gary Bader) :: Leloir Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina ([[http://www.agenciacyta.org.ar/2011/06/las-proteinas-tambien-tienen-%E2%80%9Credes-sociales%E2%80%9D/|News article]]) May.23-24, 2011:: :: [[http://gaggle.systemsbiology.net/workshop2011/|The Gaggle Systems Bioinformatics workshop 2011]] :: Seattle, WA May.27, 2011:: :: Pathway and network analysis workshop (training workshop by Gary Bader and Quaid Morris) :: London, ON May.19-21, 2011:: :: Cytoscape annual retreat and symposium :: San Diego, CA May.13-14, 2011:: :: University of Toronto-McGill Computer Science Departments - Computational Biology joint retreat :: Montreal, QC May.2-3, 2011:: :: [[http://bioinformatics.ca/workshops/beyond|Pathway and network analysis workshop]] (Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop) :: Vancouver, BC Apr.18-22, 2011:: :: [[http://www.biopax.org/harmony.php|HARMONY 2011: The Hackathon on Resources for Modeling in Biology]] :: New York, NY Apr.6, 2011:: :: Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions from the Genome for Evolutionary Analysis (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Stowers Institute, Kansas City, MO Mar.29, 2011:: :: Pathway and network analysis workshop (training workshop by Gary Bader and Quaid Morris) :: Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON Mar.24, 2011:: :: Pathway analysis of genomics data (Gary Bader, invited lecture) [[attachment:2011_Bader-HSPH-Mar24.ppt|slides]] :: Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA Feb.11, 2011:: :: [[http://www.compbio.cmu.edu/SeminarSeries.html| Predicting protein-protein interactions from the genome for evolutionary analysis]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA == 2010 == Dec. 1-3, 2010:: :: ICGC Workshop :: Brisbane, Australia Oct. 6-9, 2010:: :: [[http://sbml.org/Events/Forums/COMBINE_2010|COMBINE]] - COmputational Modeling in BIology NEtwork (Gary Bader, invited lecture in BioPAX session) :: Edinburgh, UK July 27-Aug.1, 2010:: :: [[http://www.yeast-meet.org/2010/|2010 Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting]] :: Vancouver, Canada :: {{attachment:image.png}} July 18-July 20, 2010:: :: [[http://cytoscape.wodaklab.org/wiki/CytoscapeRetreat2010|Cytoscape Retreat 2010]] :: Ann Arbor, MI July 9-July 13, 2010:: :: [[http://www.iscb.org/ismb2010|Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2010]] :: Boston, MA May 26, 2010:: :: [[http://www.biochemistry.utoronto.ca/cgb/index.php/GBB_Annual_Retreat_2010|Genome Biology and Bioinformatics Annual Retreat 2010]] :: Toronto, Canada == 2009 == December 17, 2009:: :: Institute of Bioinformatics (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Bangalore, India November 19, 2009:: :: Seminar at Dana Farber Cancer Institute (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Boston, MA, USA October 19, 2009:: :: Symposium on [[http://casemed.case.edu/proteomics/Images/CPB_Symposium_092209.pdf|Understanding Protein Complexes, Networks and the Interactome]] - Case Western Reserve University (Gary Bader, invited lecture - [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9ex7X71Hww|YouTube version]]) :: Cleveland, OH, USA September 25-26, 2009:: :: CIFAR Genetic Networks (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Princeton, NJ, USA September 5-10, 2009:: :: [[http://www.proteinmodules.org/workshop07/index.php|The Biology of Modular Domains]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Seefeld, Austria June 2, 2009:: :: [[http://www.ncbs.res.in/webcal/view_entry.php?id=406&date=20090602|Predicting PDZ domain protein interactions from the genome]] National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Bangalore, India April 19th - 25th, 2009:: :: Barbados Workshop on biological and computational analysis of protein-protein interaction networks (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Holetown, Barbados February 4, 2009:: :: Pathways and Networks: Pathway Commons, BioPAX and Cytoscape (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Hinxton, UK January 25-30, 2009:: :: Biological Pathway Analysis using Cytoscape and Pathway Commons [[https://www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ViewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=980|Omics Meets Cell Biology]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Breckenridge, Colorado January 8, 2009:: :: Predicting PDZ Domain Interactions from the Genome [[http://www.vanbug.org/|Vancouver Bioinformatics Users Group]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Vancouver, Canada == 2008 == November 28, 2008:: :: [[http://www.mshri.on.ca/mitacs/seminars/seminarsF2008.html|Statistical Methods for Genetics & Genomics seminar series (SMG)]] [[attachment:pathwayCommonsSMG_2008.pdf|Biological Networks - Pathway Commons: A public library of biological pathways|&do=get]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Toronto, Canada August 26, 2008:: :: [[http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=bVhOntMCmnQ|Google TechTalk]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Waterloo, Canada July 22-27, 2008:: :: [[http://www.yeast-meet.org/|Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting]] (Gary Bader, organizing committee) :: Toronto, Canada July 19-23, 2008:: :: [[http://www.iscb.org/ismb2008/|The 16th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)]] (Gary Bader, software demo lecture, two birds of a feather sessions, special session organizer, workshop organizer) :: Toronto, Canada July 16-19, 2008:: :: [[http://www.cytoscape.org/|6th Annual Cytoscape Public Symposium and Developers Retreat]] (Gary Bader, organizer) :: Toronto, Canada July 14, 2008:: :: [[http://edu.bioinformatics.org/course/view.php?id=87|Second virtual conference on “Bioinformatics to Systems Biology"]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture - [[http://mat.edu.bioinformatics.org/BSB08/Bader/|lecture online]]) :: Online at Bioinformatics.Org April 5-9, 2008:: :: [[http://www.aspet.org/PUBLIC/MEETINGS/eb08.html|ASPET Symposium: Signal Transduction Bioinformatics: Integrating Pharmacology with Signaling Molecule Discovery, FASEB]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: San Diego, California == 2007 == November 6-9, 2007:: :: [[http://cytoscape.org/retreat2007/|5th Annual Cytoscape Public Symposium and Developers Retreat]] (Gary Bader, software demo lecture) :: Amsterdam, Netherlands September 8-13, 2007:: :: [[http://www.proteinmodules.org/workshop07/index.php|The Biology of Modular Domains]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Seefeld, Austria June 18-30, 2007:: :: [[http://bioinformatics.ca/workshops/bioinformatics/|Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop - Bioinformatics]] (Gary Bader, tutorial) :: Vancouver, BC, Canada June 16-23, 2007:: :: [[http://lipari.cs.unict.it/LipariSchool/Bio/index.php|Advanced Computational Proteomics: Structure, Imaging and Control]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Lipari Island, Italy June 12-15, 2007:: :: [[http://www.nettab.org/2007/|NETTAB 2007 focused on:A Semantic Web for Bioinformatics: Goals, Tools, Systems, Applications]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture, tutorial) :: University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy June 3-9, 2007:: :: [[http://www.medils.hr/Default.aspx?art=128&sec=96|Workshop on Functional Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine]] (Gary Bader, invited lectures) :: MedILS, Split, Croatia May 3-4, 2007:: :: [[http://bnmc.caltech.edu/doku.php?id=us-ec-workshop|US-EC Workshop on Infrastructure Needs of Systems Biology]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Boston, MA, USA April 20-21, 2007:: :: [[http://caprimeeting.ccb.sickkids.ca/|CAPRI evaluation meeting]] :: Toronto, Canada February 28-March 2, 2007:: :: [[http://www.tri-conference.com/07_GDD.asp|CHI Pathway Analysis Conference - Open Source Pathway Information Session]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Moscone North Convention Center in San Francisco, CA, USA January 26-27, 2007:: :: [[http://www.ciar.ca/web/home.nsf/pages/gennetworks|CIAR Genetic Interactions]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Toronto, Canada == 2006 == November 9.2006:: :: Pathway Information for Systems Biology (Gary Bader, invited lecture - with Chris Sander) :: University of Connecticut Health Center, Hartford, CT, USA October 9-14, 2006:: :: Cytoscape developer retreat (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA July 10.2006:: :: Predicting Links in Biological Systems of PDZ Domains (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Medical Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada June 26, 2006:: :: [[http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/doc_wtx026850.html|Wellcome Trust Genomics Course]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Hinxton, UK June 20-21, 2006:: :: [[http://biopaxwiki.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/CSHF2Fmeeting|BioPAX Pathway Data Exchange Format Workshop]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Cold Spring Harbor Labs, NY, USA June 15, 2006:: :: [[http://bioinformatics.ca/course_work/workshops/proteomics/|CGDN Proteomics Course]] (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Calgary, AB, Canada June 6 2006:: :: Predicting links in biological networks (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada May.18.2006:: :: Predicting links in biological networks (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Apr.3.2006:: :: Predicting links in biological networks (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: SRI, Menlo Park, CA, USA Apr. 1-5, 2006:: :: FASEB Experimental Biology (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: San Francisco, CA, USA Apr. 1-5, 2006:: :: 97th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Washington, DC, USA :: [[http://app2.capitalreach.com/esp1204/servlet/tc?c=10165&cn=aacr&e=5580&s=20323&&m=1&espnavmode=1#|audio webcast]] == 2005 == Nov. 15-18, 2005:: :: Biological Pathways: Communication and Analysis (Co-organizer) (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Tokyo, Japan Dec.3.1999:: :: Cytoscape - Biomedical Engineering Society meeting (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Baltimore, MD, USA Sept. 10-15, 2005:: :: MODULAR PROTEIN DOMAINS from Functional Plasticity to Protein Linguistics (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Seefeld, Austria June 25-29, 2005:: :: The 13th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (Gary Bader, 2 invited lectures) :: Detroit, MI, USA May 2-3, 2005:: :: [[https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/workspaces/ICR/Meetings/ICR_Workspace/May_2005_Face_to_Face_Meeting/May_2005_Face_to_Face_Meeting/document_view|caBIG Integrative Cancer Research Workspace Meeting]] (Gary Bader, 2 invited lectures) :: St. Louis, MO, USA == 2004 == July 29 - Aug.4, 2004:: :: The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (Gary Bader, 2 invited lectures) :: Glasgow, Scotland, UK Apr. 17-21, 2004:: :: Human Proteomics Organization, Proteomics Standards Initiative – Molecular Interactions Track (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Nice, France == 2003 == Nov. 6-7, 2003:: :: Digital Biology: The Emerging Paradigm :: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA Nov. 4-5, 2003:: :: Information Science Standards to Enable Biomedical Research (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA May 21.2003:: :: Protein Complex Detection in Large Protein Interaction Networks - New York Computational Biology Society, NYAS (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: New York, NY, USA Jan. 21-24, 2003:: :: Human Proteomics Organization, Proteomics Standards Initiative – Molecular Interactions Track (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK Jan. 17-20, 2003:: :: Understanding Phage Display (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Vancouver, BC, Canada == 2002 == Oct. 18-19, 2002:: :: Human Proteomics Organization, Proteomics Standards Initiative – Molecular Interactions Track :: European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK Aug 3-7, 2002:: :: The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology :: Edmonton, AB, Canada May 10-14, 2002:: :: The 2nd International Conference of the Canadian Proteomics Initiative :: Edmonton, AB, Canada == 2001 == October 16-18, 2001:: :: Functional Genomics - Satellite meeting of the 8th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Seattle, Washington, USA August 11-16, 2001:: :: The 2001 FASEB Summer Conference on Protein Kinases and Phosphorylation (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Snowmass, Colorado, USA May 31 – June 3, 2001:: :: 44th Annual Meeting Canadian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology :: Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston, ON, Canada April 22-25, 2001:: :: RECOMB 2001 – 5th Annual International Conference on Computational Biology :: Montreal, QC, Canada February 17-21, 2001:: :: 45th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting :: Boston, MA, USA == 2000 == November 16-19, 2000:: :: TIGR 4th Annual Conference on Computational Genomics (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Baltimore, MD, USA February 12-16, 2000:: :: 44th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting :: New Orleans, LA, USA == 1999 == Dec.3.1999:: :: The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (Gary Bader, invited lecture, with Chris Hogue) :: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada November 18-21, 1999:: :: TIGR 3rd Annual Conference on Computational Genomics (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: Baltimore, MD, USA Nov.15.1999:: :: The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (Gary Bader, invited lecture) :: U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda, MD, USA November 11-14, 1999:: :: The 2nd Georgia Tech International Conference on Bioinformatics – In silico Biology, Sequence & Structure & Function :: Atlanta, GA, USA February 13-17, 1999:: :: 43rd Annual Biophysical Society Meeting :: Baltimore, MD, USA