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||||<style="background-color: #E0E0FF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">Funding Agency||<style="background-color: #E0E0FF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">Title||<style="background-color: #E0E0FF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">Period|| ||<style="text-align: center;">attachment:UofTlogoSmall.gif||[ The University of Toronto, Connaught Committee]||Start-up||2006|| ||<style="text-align: center;">attachment:GenomeCanada.jpg attachment:OGI.gif||[ Genome Canada] via the [ Ontario Genomics Institute]||Integrative Biology, PI: Brenda Andrews||2006-2010|| ||<style="text-align: center;">attachment:CIHR.gif||[ The Canadian Institutes of Health Research]||A combined computational and experimental approach to map protein interactions mediated by modular peptide recognition domains (Operating Grant MOP-84324)||2007-2010|| ||<style="text-align: center;">attachment:nserc-web.png||[ Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada]||Molecular and genetic network analysis in yeast (Discovery Grant)||2007-2010|| ||<style="text-align: center;">attachment:cfi.jpg attachment:ontario.gif||[ Canada Foundation for Innovation] and [ Ontario Research Fund (ORF)]||The Active Human Cell Map - Enabling Molecular and Genomic Medical Research (Leaders Opportunity Fund)||2008-2010|| |
||||<style="background-color: #E0E0FF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">Funding Agency||<style="background-color: #E0E0FF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">Title||<style="background-color: #E0E0FF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">Grant Period|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:NSERC.png||width=200}}||[[|Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada]]|| Cell and tissue communication networks<<BR>><<BR>>Pl: Gary Bader||2016-2021|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:CFREF.jpg}}||[[| Canada First Research Excellence Fund]]||Overcoming Blindness: Differentiation, Purification and Transplantation of Photoreceptors (Operational sub-grant). <<BR>><<BR>> PI: Molly Shoichet.<<BR>><<BR>>Funder acknowledgement statement: "This research was undertaken thanks in part to funding provided to the University of Toronto Medicine by Design initiative, by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.”||2016-2019|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:CFREF.jpg}}||[[| Canada First Research Excellence Fund]]||Regulatory network control of neural stem cells for endogenous repair (Operating Grant: C1TPA-2016-01). <<BR>><<BR>> PIs: Gary Bader, Freda Miller, David Kaplan, Derek van der Kooy, Michael Moran, Aaron Wheeler, Cindi Morshead, Quaid Morris, Michael Hoffman, Lincoln Stein, Sidhartha Goyal, Trevor Pugh, Michael Wilson.<<BR>><<BR>>Funder acknowledgement statement: "This research was undertaken thanks in part to funding provided to the University of Toronto Medicine by Design initiative, by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.”||2016-2019|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:CFREF.jpg}}||[[| Canada First Research Excellence Fund]]||Pathways to enhance the clinical utility of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (Operating Grant: C1TPA-2016-02). <<BR>><<BR>> PIs: John Dick, Norman Iscove, Mathieu Lupien, Gary Bader, Quaid Morris, Igor Jurisica, Shana Kelley.<<BR>><<BR>>Funder acknowledgement statement: "This research was undertaken thanks in part to funding provided to the University of Toronto Medicine by Design initiative, by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.”|| 2016-2019|| ||<style="text-align:center;">{{attachment:CIHR.jpg}}||[[|Canadian Institutes of Health Research]] ||From correlation to causation in genomics: identifying mechanisms underlying disease (Foundation Grant)<<BR>><<BR>>Pl: Gary Bader||2015-2022|| ||<style="text-align:center;">{{attachment:NewTerryFox.jpg||width=250}}||[[|The Terry Fox Research Institute]]|| Development of Stemness-based Prognostic Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets(Operating Grant: 1047) <<BR>><<BR>>Pl: John Dick||2015-2020|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:nih.gif}}||[[|U.S. NIH]]|| [[|A human binary interactome reference map by 2020]] (Operational sub-grant:U41-HG001715-18). <<BR>><<BR>> PIs: Marc Vidal, Michael Calderwood, David Hill, Frederick Roth. ||2015-2018|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:SU2C.jpg||width=200}}||[[|Stand Up To Cancer]]||Targeting brain tumour stem cell epigenetic and molecular networks (Operating Sub-Grant: SU2C-AACR-DT-19-15) <<BR>><<BR>>Pls: Peter Dirks, Samuel Weiss, Michael Taylor, Nada Jabado, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Michael Salter, Marco Marra, Mathieu Lupien, Amy Caudy, Trevor Pugh, Gary Bader, Michael Tyers, Wendy Durigon, Warren Mason, Eric Bouffet.||2015-2019|| ||<style="text-align:center;">{{attachment:NSERC.png||width=200}}||[[|Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada]]||The Cancer Genome Collaboratory (Operating Grant: Discovery Frontiers) <<BR>><<BR>>Pls: Lincoln Stein, Gary Bader, Alexandre Bouchard- Cote, Gillaume Bourque, Paul Boutros, Khaled El Emam, Vincent Ferretti, Bartha Knoppers, Francis Ouellette, Cenk Sahinalp, Sohrab Shah, Brian Shoichet.||2014-2018|| ||<style="text-align:center;">{{attachment:OICR.jpeg||width=150}}||[[ |Ontario Institute for Cancer Research]]||Cancer stem cell program (Operating Grant) <<BR>><<BR>>Pl: John Dick||2013-2017|| ||<style="text-align:center;">{{attachment:Gen.jpg||width=220}}||[[|Genome Canada]]|| Personalised Risk Stratification for Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer (Operating Sub-Grant) <<BR>><<BR>>Pls: Bartha Maria Knoppers, and Jacques Simard.||2013-2017|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:nih.gif}}||[[|U.S. NIH]] via [[|National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)]]||[[|National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)]], PIs: Trey Ideker, Chris Sander, Alex Pico, Gary Bader.<<BR>><<BR>>This work was supported by NRNB (U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Center for Research Resources grant number P41 GM103504)||2012-2017|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:nih.gif}}||[[|U.S. NIH]] via [[|National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)]]||[[|Cytoscape: A Modeling Platform for Biomolecular Networks]]<<BR>><<BR>>Funding for continued development and maintenance of Cytoscape is provided by the U.S. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) under award number GM070743.<<BR>><<BR>>Cytoscape user support, education and new initiatives are supported by the National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) under award numbers P41 RR031228 and GM103504.<<BR>><<BR>>PIs: Trey Ideker, Gary Bader.||2009-2017|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:nih.gif}}||[[|U.S. NIH]] via [[|National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)]]||Pathway Commons Research resource for biological pathways. <<BR>><<BR>>[[|Pathway Commons]] is a collaboration between the Bader Lab at the University of Toronto, the Sander Lab at the cBio Center for Information Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Computational biology collaboratory at Harvard Medical School, and the Demir Lab, Oregon Health & Science University (Grant: U41 HG006623).||2008-2018|| ||<style="text-align:center;">{{attachment:CIHR.jpg}}||[[|Canadian Institutes of Health Research]] || A computational and experimental approach to map and evolutionary analyze protein interactions mediated by peptide recognition domains (Operating Grant MOP-84324)<<BR>><<BR>>Pl: Gary Bader||2007-2017|| ||<style="text-align: center;">{{attachment:nih.gif}}||[[|U.S. NIH]]||Knowledge-based Gene Expression Analysis for Biomedical and Cancer Research (Operating Sub-Grant: 69119295) <<BR>><<BR>> PIs: Jill Mesirov and Gary Bader.||2006-2017|| |
Funding Agency |
Title |
Grant Period |
Cell and tissue communication networks |
2016-2021 |
Overcoming Blindness: Differentiation, Purification and Transplantation of Photoreceptors (Operational sub-grant). |
2016-2019 |
Regulatory network control of neural stem cells for endogenous repair (Operating Grant: C1TPA-2016-01). |
2016-2019 |
Pathways to enhance the clinical utility of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (Operating Grant: C1TPA-2016-02). |
2016-2019 |
From correlation to causation in genomics: identifying mechanisms underlying disease (Foundation Grant) |
2015-2022 |
Development of Stemness-based Prognostic Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets(Operating Grant: 1047) |
2015-2020 |
A human binary interactome reference map by 2020 (Operational sub-grant:U41-HG001715-18). |
2015-2018 |
Targeting brain tumour stem cell epigenetic and molecular networks (Operating Sub-Grant: SU2C-AACR-DT-19-15) |
2015-2019 |
The Cancer Genome Collaboratory (Operating Grant: Discovery Frontiers) |
2014-2018 |
Cancer stem cell program (Operating Grant) |
2013-2017 |
Personalised Risk Stratification for Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer (Operating Sub-Grant) |
2013-2017 |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB), PIs: Trey Ideker, Chris Sander, Alex Pico, Gary Bader. |
2012-2017 |
U.S. NIH via National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) |
Cytoscape: A Modeling Platform for Biomolecular Networks |
2009-2017 |
U.S. NIH via National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) |
Pathway Commons Research resource for biological pathways. |
2008-2018 |
A computational and experimental approach to map and evolutionary analyze protein interactions mediated by peptide recognition domains (Operating Grant MOP-84324) |
2007-2017 |
Knowledge-based Gene Expression Analysis for Biomedical and Cancer Research (Operating Sub-Grant: 69119295) |
2006-2017 |