== Upcoming == * November 30 - December 1, 2007 - [http://recombsb2007.c2b2.columbia.edu RECOMB Satellite Conference on Systems Biology] - University of California, San Diego * July 21-25.2007 - [http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2007/ ISMB/ECCB 2007] - Vienna, Austria * August 29-September 1.2007 - [http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/interuk07.shtml Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust conference on Interactome Networks - Mapping macromolecular interactions in the cell] - Hinxton, UK * October 1-6, 2007 - [http://icsb-2007.org/ The Eighth International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB)] - Long Beach, California More events at the [http://www.iscb.org/events/event_board.php ISCB web site] See ["Conferences"] for a list of conferences we are attending. == Passed == * July 2-4, 2007 - [http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/conferences/ab2007/ Second International Conference on Algebraic Biology] - Castle of Hagenberg, Austria * June 24-29, 2007 - [http://www.aegeanconferences.org/5thpathwaysnetworkssystems/index.asp 5th International Conference on Pathways, Networks, and Systems] - Porto Heli, Greece * June 16-18, 2007 - [http://cpicanada.org/ Seventh Annual International Conference of the Canadian Proteomics Initiative] - Ottawa, Canada * April 22-23, 2007 - [http://www.systemsbiology.org/symposium/PreRegister.html Systems Biology and the Environment] - Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA * April 20-22, 2007 - [http://capri.ebi.ac.uk/ CAPRI (Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions)] - Toronto, Canada * April 16-19, 2007 - [http://www.nbic.nl/NBIC-ISNB2007/ 2nd edition of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Conference (NBIC), 4th edition of the International Symposium on Networks in Bioinformatics (ISNB)] - Amsterdam, Netherlands * March 6-9, 2007 - [http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/comp07.shtml Computational Cell Biology] - Cold Spring Harbor Labs, NY * February 28-March 2, 2007 - CHI Pathway Analysis Conference, Moscone North Convention Center in San Francisco * July.12-14.2006 - [http://www.sbmc06.de Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells] - Heidelberg, Germany * Aug.6-10.2006 - [http://ismb2006.cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br/ 14th Annual International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2006)] - Fortaleza, Brazil * Aug.14-18.2006 - [http://www.lifesciencessociety.org/CSB2006/ CSB2006 - Life Sciences Society Computational Systems Bioinformatics] - Stanford University, California. * Aug.30-Sep.3.2006 - [http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/interuk06.shtml INTERACTOME NETWORKS: Mapping macromolecular interactions in the cell] - Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK * Sep.4-6.2006 [http://www.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk/bab/conf/ibiof/ 3rd Integrative Bioinformatics Workshop] - Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom * Sep.7-8.2006 [http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/Workshops/ReverseEng/ DREAM conference], Wave Hill Conference Center, New York, NY * Sep.24-26.2006 - [http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/Genomics06/index_e.html 4th Annual RECOMB Satellite Meeting on Comparative Genomics] - Montreal, Canada * Sep.25-26.2006 - [http://www.cng.fr/atelier2006/ Genomic tools for disease studies and other applications] - Paris, France * Sep.25-27.2006 - [http://psidev.sourceforge.net/ PSI autumn meeting] - The premises of the American Chemical Society in Washington, DC * Sep.28-29.2006 - [http://www.cibcb.org IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology] - Renaissance Hotel Downtown, Toronto, Ontario, Canada * Oct.7.2006 - [http://sbgn.org/doku.php?id=sbgn-2 Systems Biology Graphical Notation Workshop] - Tokyo, Japan * Oct.8-13.2006 - [http://www.aegeanconferences.org/registration/meetingregistration/pathways.asp 4th International Conference on Pathways, Networks, and Systems: Theory and Experiments]. Mykonos, Greece. * Also: http://www.aegeanconferences.org/ * Oct.9-13.2006 - [http://www.icsb-2006.org/ International Conference for Systems Biology] - Yokohama, Japan * October 11-14 Cytoscape developer retreat, UCSF, San Francisco * Oct.28-Nov.1.2006 - [http://www.hupoconference.org/Default.aspx?tabid=30 Hupo 5th Annual World Congress] - Long Beach, California (July.1.2006 submission deadline) * Oct 30-31.2006 - [http://pami.uwaterloo.ca/~cswkkong/KDM/ UW and IEEE Kitchener-Waterloo Section Joint Workshop on Knowledge and Data Mining KDM] - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada * Nov.8.2006 - [http://www.sysbiosociety.ca Inaugural Meeting of the Canadian Society for Systems Biology] - Ottawa, Canada * Nov.9-10.2006 - [http://mededu.med.uottawa.ca/oisb/sympindex.htm Progress in Systems Biology 2006] - Ottawa, Canada * Nov.12-14.2006 - 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Computing & Bioinformatics of CAS - Hefei, China * Nov.13-15.2006 - [http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/dallas/csb.htm The IASTED International Conference on Computational and Systems Biology] - Dallas, TX * Dec 1-3.2006 - [http://www.iscb.org/rocky06 Rocky ’06] - Snowmass/Aspen, CO * Dec 1-2.2006 - [http://chianti.ucsd.edu/recombsysbio06/index.html RECOMB Satellite conference on Systems Biology] - UCSD, California - Paper submission deadline: Sep.15.2006 * Dec 2-3.2006 - [http://chianti.ucsd.edu/recombsysbio06/index.html RECOMB Satellite conference on Computational Proteomics] - UCSD, California * Dec 9-10.2006 - [http://www2.fml.tuebingen.mpg.de/nipscompbio NIPS New Problems and Methods in Computational Biology] - Whistler, BC, Canada * Jan.3-7.2007 - [http://psb.stanford.edu/ PSB - The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing] - Grand Wailea in Wailea, Maui. * Jan.15-17.2007 - [http://www.cs.hku.hk/apbc2007/ The Fifth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, APBC2007] - Hong Kong * Jan.22-24.2007 - [http://www-static.cc.gatech.edu/~mihail/indexcomplex.html Georgia Tech/Dimacs Workshop on Complex Networks and Systems] - Atlanta, GA * Jan.21-24.2007 - [http://www.eccb06.org/ ECCB 2006 - 5th European Conference on Computational Biology] - Eilat, Israel (note: date change)