GeneMania DataWarehouse (DW)

DW Resources - Entrez:


DW Resources - Ensembl:

  1. Ensembl offers their data in many formats, including GenBank files, FASTA files, mysql databases and others. The DW includes a selective mirror of the mysql databases, namely the 'Core Database', for each of the species of interest, if available (not available for A.Thaliana and E.coli).

  2. Ensembl databases are on a per species basis. Generally speaking, Ensembl covers less species than Entrez, but provides a richer (and complex) view of those species.
  3. For more information, visit the Ensembl FTP site at:

DW Resources - TAIR:

  1. The DW includes a selective mirror of TAIR (Arabidopsis Information Resource). The mirror represents a subset of the latest data released by TAIR.
  2. TAIR (from a technical perspective) is of significantly less quality than major bioinformatics resources. This is partially due to the fact that some of their data is contributed by other parties. Full automation is not really an option with this resource. Some of the shortcomings/errors observed (and partially reported to/fixed by TAIR) that might resurface in future releases: - Wrong number of tabs in a tab-delimited file (can mess the upload) - Some of the flat files missing a header column. - Inconsistency in treating an empty 'cell' in a table (e.g. empty cell

vs. a default value). Also, extra control characters sometimes.

The files/tables loaded are:




Identifier Mapping Tables:

1. Eight tab delimited files (can be imported into Excel or a similar package, as well as parsed). The files represent IDs from the following species: S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, A. thaliana, D. melanogaster, M. musculus, H. sapiens, D. Melanogaster, E. Coli.

2. Each sheet will have the following columns: (example from human)

GMID: 3425 (add a 'GM' suffix: GM3425, if you prefer that)
Ensembl Gene ID: ENSG00000198888
Protein Coding: True/False (cannot be 'NA')
Gene Name: ND1
Ensembl Transcript ID(s): ENST00000361390
Ensembl Protein ID(s): ENSP00000354687
Uniprot ID(s): P03886
Entrez Gene ID(s): 4535
RefSeq mRNA ID(s): NA (but could have been something like NM_001088)
RefSeq Protein ID(s): AP_000639
Synonyms: MTND1; NAD1;ND1
Definition: NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1 (EC (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1). Source: Uniprot/SWISSPROT P03886

3. First row in each file will be the headers row.

4. In general, when there is no data available for a specific cell in a particular column, the term 'N/A' (or a similar standard term) will be used instead. In cases when there is more than one entry per cell, the entries will be separated by a ';'.

5. As a general rule for any importing system, its better to treat IDs as alphaneumeric in type rather than neumeric, since they can be either, depending on the source database referenced.

6. The GMID is an internal identifier that is unique per species, and is stable within a build/release of the IDMapping. It is not stable between different releases and is not unique across different species. The DW itself does not use or reference this ID.

7. The source of the ID Mapping information will be the first resource listed in each file. In other words, the reference point is Ensembl for all species, except for A.Thaliana and E.coli where the reference point is Entrez. Exceptions:

8. 9. Ensembl and Entrez are the resources used for all species, except for A.Thaliana (where the resources are Entrez and TAIR) and E. Coli (just Entrez).

10. Generally speaking, the mapping between the identifiers from the two resources (e.g. Ensembl and Entrez) is not perfect. So, there will be some 'left over' identifiers from the second resource (e.g. Entrez) that will have to be captured in a separate file.

Identifier Validation:

  1. Duplicate Gene Symbols: For some of the species in the identifier mapping tables (e.g. At), the gene name (aka gene symbol) is not unique among all the genes for that species. In other words, a gene symbol might be shared between 2 or more genes, within the same species. These exceptional cases should be handled by deleting the trouble gene symbol from the IDMapping file, for all of the affected genes, so it won't match any searching query to begin with. Another option would be deleting all the affected gene entries, but that would lead to the loss of useful (and reliable) information.
    1. Duplicate Uniprot IDs: This is the case where the same Uniprot ID is shared between two or more genes. This should be handled in a similar fashion to the previous case.

More DW Documents:

GeneMania/GeneManiaDataWarehouse (last edited 2008-10-21 17:50:06 by RashadBadrawi)

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