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== Peer-reviewed journal ==
=== 2011 ===
'''PSICQUIC and PSISCORE: accessing and scoring molecular interactions''', <
> Aranda B, Blankenburg H, Kerrien S, Brinkman FS, Ceol A, Chautard E, Dana JM, De Las Rivas J, Dumousseau M, Galeota E, Gaulton A, Goll J, Hancock RE, '''Isserlin R''', Jimenez RC, Kerssemakers J, Khadake J, Lynn DJ, '''Michaut M''', O'Kelly G, Ono K, Orchard S, Prieto C, Razick S, Rigina O, Salwinski L, Simonovic M, Velankar S, Winter A, Wu G, '''Bader GD''', Cesareni G, Donaldson IM, Eisenberg D, Kleywegt GJ, Overington J, Ricard-Blum S, Tyers M, Albrecht M, Hermjakob H.; <
> [[http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v8/n7/full/nmeth.1637.html|Nature Methods 2011 Jun 29;8(7):528-9]]
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21716279|Pubmed Abstract]] [[attachment:psicquic.pdf|PDF]]
'''Putting genetic interactions into context through a global modular decomposition''', <
>Jeremy Bellay, Gowtham Atluri, Tina L. Sing, Kiana Toufighi, Michael Costanzo, Philippe Souza Moraes Ribeiro, Gaurav Pandey, Joshua Baller, Benjamin !VanderSluis, '''Magali Michaut''', Sangjo Han, Philip Kim, Grant W. Brown, Brenda J. Andrews, Charles Boone, Vipin Kumar, Chad L. Myers; <
>[[http://genome.cshlp.org/content/21/8/1375.long|Genome Res. 2011 Aug;21(8):1375-87.]]<
[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21715556|Pubmed Abstract]] [[attachment:blocks.pdf|PDF]]
'''Protein Complexes are Central in the Yeast Genetic Landscape''', <
>'''Michaut M.''', Baryshnikova A., Costanzo M., Myers C.L., Andrews B.J., Boone C., Bader G.D.; <
>[[http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1001092|PLoS Computational Biology 7(2): e1001092 Feb 24 2011]] <
> [[http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/browseIssue.action?issue=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fissue.pcbi.v07.i02|February 2011 Issue Cover]] <
[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21390331|Pubmed Abstract]] [[attachment:2011_Michaut_Mono.pdf|PDF]]
'''Bringing order to protein disorder through comparative genomics and genetic interactions''', <
>Bellay J*, Han S*, '''Michaut M*''', Kim T, Costanzo M, Andrews BJ, Boone C, Bader GD, Myers CL, Kim PM;<
>[[http://genomebiology.com/2011/12/2/R14/abstract|Genome Biology 12(2):R14 Feb 15 2011]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21324131|Pubmed Abstract]] [[attachment:2011_Michaut_Diso.pdf|PDF]]
=== 2010 ===
'''Highlights from the Sixth International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium''', <
> Klijn C., Abeel T. and '''Michaut M.''';<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/11?issue=S10| BMC Bioinformatics, 2010, 11(Suppl 10) 7 Dec 2010)]]
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21495240| Pubmed Abstract]] [[attachment:2011_Michaut_SCS6.pdf|PDF]]
=== 2009 ===
'''The !IntAct molecular interaction database in 2010''', <
>Aranda B, Achuthan P, Alam-Faruque Y, Armean I, Bridge A, Derow C, Feuermann M, Ghanbarian AT, Kerrien S, Khadake J, Kerssemakers J, Leroy C, Menden M, '''Michaut M''', Montecchi-Palazzi L, Neuhauser SN, Orchard S, Perreau V, Roechert B, van Eijk K, Hermjakob H.; '''NAR''' (Oct. 2009).<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19850723| Pubmed Abstract]] [[attachment:IntAct-2009.pdf|PDF]]
'''Genome wide location analysis reveals a role for Sub1 in RNA polymerase III transcription''', <
> Tavenet A., Suleau A., Dubreuil G., Ferrari R., Ducrot C., '''Michaut M.''', Aude J.C., Dieci G., Lefebvre O., Conesa C., Acker J.; '''PNAS''', 106(34):14265-70 (Aug. 2009) <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19706510|Pubmed Abstract]] <
>[[http://www.pnas.org/content/106/34/14265.long|PNAS]] [[attachment:sub1.pdf|PDF]]
=== 2008 ===
'''Highlights from the Fourth International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', Kerrien S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Chauvat F., Cassier-Chauvat C., Aude J.C., Legrain P., Hermjakob H.; <
[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/S10/P1|BMC Bioinformatics, 2008, 9(Suppl 10):P1]] [[attachment:scs4.pdf|PDF]]
'''Genome-wide location analysis reveals a novel role of TFIIS in RNA polymerase III transcription''', <
> Ghavi-Helm Y., '''Michaut M.''', Acker J., Aude J.C., Thuriaux P., Werner M. and Soutourina J.; '''Genes & Development''', 22(14):1934-47 (Jul. 2008) <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18628399|Pubmed Abstract]] <
[[http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/22/14/1934.long|Genes&Dev]] [[attachment:TFIIS.pdf|PDF]]
'''InteroPORC: Automated Inference of Highly Conserved Protein Interaction Networks''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', Kerrien S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Chauvat F., Cassier-Chauvat C., Aude J.C., Legrain P., Hermjakob H.; '''Bioinformatics''', 24(14): 1625-1631 (Jul. 2008) <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18508856|Pubmed Abstract]] <
[[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/24/14/1625.long|Bioinformatics]] [[attachment:interoporc.pdf|PDF]]
=== 2007 ===
'''Cadmium triggers an integrated reprogramming of the metabolism of ''Synechocystis'' PCC6803, under the control of the Slr1738 regulator''', <
> Houot L., Floutier M., Marteyn B., '''Michaut M.''', Picciocchi A., Legrain P., Aude J.C., Cassier-Chauvat C., Chauvat F.; '''BMC Genomics''', 24(14): 1625-1631 (Oct. 2007) <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17910763|Pubmed Abstract]] <
[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/8/350|BioMed Central]] [[attachment:synecho.pdf|PDF]]
== Peer-reviewed conference ==
=== 2011 ===
'''Protein Complexes are Central in the Yeast Genetic Landscape''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', A.Baryshnikova, M. Costanzo, C. L. Myers, B. Andrews, C. Boone, G. D. Bader; '''ISMB/ECCB 2011'''.
'''Mapping Genetic Interactions in Various Contexts Provides Complementary Information''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', G. D. Bader; '''JOBIM 2011'''.
=== 2010 ===
'''Functional and structural disorder: comparative genomics and genetic interactions distinguish functional roles of disorder''', <
> J. Bellay, S. Han, '''M. Michaut''', G. D. Bader, C. L. Myers, P. M. Kim; '''JOBIM 2010'''.
'''Exploring the Monochromatic Landscape in Yeast using Genetic Interactions and Known Processes Reveals the Importance of Protein Complexes''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', A.Baryshnikova, M. Costanzo, C. L. Myers, B. Andrews, C. Boone, G. D. Bader; '''JOBIM 2010'''.
=== 2008 ===
'''Inference of ''Synechocystis'' protein interaction network''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', Kerrien S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Chauvat F., Cassier-Chauvat C., Aude J.C., Legrain P., Hermjakob H.; '''JOBIM 2008''', pages 99-104.
=== 2007 ===
'''Inference and validation of ''Synechocystis'' protein interaction network using orthology''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', Kerrien S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Chauvat F., Cassier-Chauvat C., Aude J.C., Legrain P., Hermjakob H.; '''JOBIM 2007''', pages 229-234.
== Book chapter ==
=== 2007 ===
'''Mining biological data using pyramids''', <
> Polaillon G., Vescovo L., '''Michaut M.''', Aude J.C.; in Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, '''Springer-Verlag''', pages 397-408 (September 2007).
== Other ==
=== 2008 ===
'''Transcriptomic and proteomic data analysis to study responses to oxidative stress and heavy metals''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', PhD thesis, University of Orsay (November 2008)