#acl MagaliMichaut:read,write,delete,revert All:read #format wiki == Peer-reviewed journals == === 2009 === '''Genome wide location analysis reveals a role for Sub1 in RNA polymerase III transcription''', <
> Tavenet A., Suleau A., Dubreuil G., Ferrari R., Ducrot C., '''Michaut M.''', Aude J.C., Dieci G., Lefebvre O., Conesa C., Acker J.; '''PNAS''', 106(34):14265-70 (Aug. 2009). === 2008 === '''Highlights from the Fourth International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', Kerrien S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Chauvat F., Cassier-Chauvat C., Aude J.C., Legrain P., Hermjakob H.; '''BMC Bioinformatics''', 2008, 9(Suppl 10):P1 (Oct. 2008). '''Genome-wide location analysis reveals a novel role of TFIIS in RNA polymerase III transcription''', <
> Ghavi-Helm Y., '''Michaut M.''', Acker J., Aude J.C., Thuriaux P., Werner M. and Soutourina J.; '''Genes & Development''', 22(14):1934-47 (Jul. 2008). '''InteroPORC: Automated Inference of Highly Conserved Protein Interaction Networks''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', Kerrien S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Chauvat F., Cassier-Chauvat C., Aude J.C., Legrain P., Hermjakob H.; '''Bioinformatics''', 24(14): 1625-1631 (Jul. 2008). === 2007 === '''Cadmium triggers an integrated reprogramming of the metabolism of ''Synechocystis'' PCC6803, under the control of the Slr1738 regulator''', <
> Houot L., Floutier M., Marteyn B., '''Michaut M.''', Picciocchi A., Legrain P., Aude J.C., Cassier-Chauvat C., Chauvat F.; '''BMC Genomics''', 24(14): 1625-1631 (Oct. 2007). == Peer-reviewed conferences == === 2008 === '''Inference of ''Synechocystis'' protein interaction network''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', Kerrien S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Chauvat F., Cassier-Chauvat C., Aude J.C., Legrain P., Hermjakob H.; '''JOBIM 2008''', pages 99-104. === 2007 === '''Inference and validation of ''Synechocystis'' protein interaction network using orthology''', <
> '''Michaut M.''', Kerrien S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Chauvat F., Cassier-Chauvat C., Aude J.C., Legrain P., Hermjakob H.; '''JOBIM 2007''', pages 229-234.