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* brain.jar: Ability to retrieve additional database references from ProteinProfile object (previously was only able to retrieve the first ID in the Accession field of the peptide file). | * brain.jar: Ability to retrieve additional database references from Protein``Profile object (previously was only able to retrieve the first ID in the Accession field of the peptide file). |
BRAIN Project
The Biologically Relevant Analysis of Interaction Networks (BRAIN) is a set of algorithms for predicting and analyzing protein domain-peptide ligand interactions based on experimentally known binding evidence (e.g. from protein chip or phage display experiments).
BRAIN can be accessed as a Cytoscape plugin which reads peptide binding profiles and generates interactions displayed as a Cytoscape network.
BRAIN consists of a library or API, and of a Cytoscape plugin.
BRAIN Library
The BRAIN library holds the algorithms and methods for interaction prediction. This library is required to build the BRAIN plugin.
BRAIN Plugin
The BRAIN plugin is a way of running various BRAIN algorithms from the Cytoscape user interface. The plugin runs a prediction analysis and presents the results visually as an interactive Cytoscape network.
Latest Build Release
BRAIN Plugin: Version 1.0.5 alpha (2007 May 23) BR Build: attachment:brainPlugin.jar BR Source: attachment:BRAIN-Plugin-1.0.5-src.tgz
BRAIN Library: Version 1.0.6 (2007 July 26) BR Build: attachment:brainlib-1.1.jar BR Source: attachment:BRAIN-Library-1.2-src.tgz
Dependencies: Additional JARs required by BRAIN - attachment:brainDeps.tar.gz
Installing the Plugin
System Requirements
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5 or later is required to run BRAIN Plugin.
[ Cytoscape] 2.4.1 or later
Place brainPlugin.jar and brainlib_1.1.jar in the Cytoscape plugins directory (located in the Cytoscape program directory, e.g. /usr/local/bin/Cytoscape or C:\Program Files\Cytoscape_v2.4.1)
Extract and place all files from brainDeps.tar.gz into the Cytoscape lib directory (located in the Cytoscape program directory)
- Launch Cytoscape
Look in the Plugins menu for the BRAIN item. If you don't see it there, revisit the above steps to make sure all files are in the right place.
Running the Plugin
- Launch Cytoscape
Set analysis parameters from Plugins > BRAIN > Set Parameters
Start the BRAIN analysis from Plugins > BRAIN > Run BRAIN
Notes on Using BRAIN
BRAIN takes one or more query proteins and their respective peptide ligands, builds a PWM-based profile for each protein, searches a protein sequence database for similar profiles, and returns a ranked set of proteins that are predicted to interact with the query proteins.
A query protein and its experimentally determined peptide ligands are represented as a [wiki:/PeptideFile peptide file], in which the peptide binders are listed as an ungapped multiple sequence alignment. The plugin can open a single peptide file, or multiple peptide files that are grouped into a [wiki:/PeptideFile#ProjectFiles project file]. From a peptide file, BRAIN generates a position weight matrix (PWM), or protein profile. The profile constitutes the distributions of amino acids (rows) at each of the positions (columns) of the peptide pattern. In a given column of the PWM, each amino acid is assigned a weight based on its frequency of occurrence at the given position. These weights are normalized to 1.0 to emulate probabilities of occurrence.
BRAIN searches a protein sequence database (in FASTA, SwissProt, GenPept, or EMBL format) for the pattern represented by the protein profile. An interaction score (p-value) is calculated for each hit, and all hits exceeding the user-provided score threshold are reported as predicted interactors of the query protein. The output is provided as a Cytoscape network, enabling further graph-based analysis and exploration of node (protein) and edge (interaction) attributes including interaction score, gene name, motif sequence, and associated OMIM or MorbidMap record (if available).
Release Notes
BRAIN Library 1.1 (2007 July 26)
- Added PDZ symbol style for PDZ type residue colouring in sequence logo generation code (required by LoLA tool)
1.0.6 (2007 June 12)
brain.jar: Ability to retrieve additional database references from ProteinProfile object (previously was only able to retrieve the first ID in the Accession field of the peptide file).
1.0.5 (2007 May 23)
- Code reorganization: brainPlugin.jar now holds only those classes related to the Cytoscape plugin. All other code has been moved to a new Brain Library project.
1.0.4 (2007 May 15)
- Network node can represent a single domain or a protein containing multiple domain instances (via new Advanced Options tab)
- Lower scoring motif hits are now reported
New node attribute Domain Name to hold a semantic domain identifier (Gene Name + Domain Number, for now)
1.0.3 (2007 April 23)
- Support for new peptide file format version 1.1 (and back-compatible with format version 1.0)
New node attributes Sequence Start, Sequence Stop, Comment for profiles generated from new peptide file format
1.0.2 (2007 April 11)
- Report SNPs for entire protein sequence and for domain subsequence only.
- Option to specify codon bias file
- Option to load unique peptides only from peptide file(s)
1.0.1 (2007 February 21)
- Port to Cytoscape API 2.4 and Java SE 5.0
Future Developments
(in order of priority)
- Regular expression filtering of profile search results.
- Expose auto-score threshold functionality in Profile Search panel (allow the user to specify automatic score threshold setting instead of having to specify a score threshold themselves).
- Expose "regex" search features - new Pattern Search panel similar to Profile Search
- New feature: consider aa groups in PWM searching
- New feature: consider aa groups in correlation matrix
- Design an improved scoring scheme (e.g. take into account surface accessibility) and drop down box to select different scores.
If you have any questions or feedback, please email Moyez Dharsee at