Automatically Annotating an Enrichment Map

Automatic Annotation

Enrichment Maps are often large networks with multiple highly inter-connected clusters representing processes and functions that are well annotated in public databases. Summarizing these networks simplifies it allowing users to focus on the prominent themes. To do so manually is both subjective and time-consuming. AutoAnnotation makes this process easier by clustering similarly connected terms in a network (using clusterMaker) and labelling each cluster using WordCloud.


Creating an annotation set

Once you have created your Enrichment Map, select “Annotate Clusters” from Enrichment Map under the Apps menu at the top of the screen to begin annotating.

Annotate Clusters Menu

This will open an Annotation Panel in the Cytoscape Control Panel, on the left of the window.

Annotation Panel

In this panel, you can specify certain parameters for the annotation. Words contained in the gene set description column will be used to automatically generate labels. To proceed immediately, select a clustering algorithm from the dropdown menu. MCL clustering is recommended by default. For more refined clustering, you can run clusterMaker on your own and then specify the column that it creates with your clusters (these will usually look something like 'mclCluster'). You can also specify your own clusters by entering it into a new column and selecting it here. Selecting the 'Layout nodes by cluster' checkbox will rearrange the nodes in your network to isolate each cluster. Selecting the 'Create Groups for clusters' checkbox will create Cytoscape Groups from the nodes in each cluster, allowing you to collapse each cluster into a single node.

Once you are satisfied with the parameters, pressing the 'Annotate!' button will create a new annotation set. This will run clusterMaker to find the clusters in your network, create a WordCloud for each cluster, and create labels for each cluster.

The output for the example network, using the default parameters, will look like this:

Default output

Repositioning clusters

Selecting the “Layout nodes by cluster” option will rearrange the nodes in your network, grouping them by network and applying a Prefuse Force Directed Layout to each group. This reduces the amount of overlap between clusters and makes the annotations easier to read and interpret. Alternatively, repositioning can be done manually by selecting clusters in the table, dragging the nodes to a new location, and pressing the 'Update' button. Multiple clusters can be selected and moved together by doing a Command+click for Mac users or Ctrl+click for other operating systems.

Editing clusters

If you are unsatisfied with the clusters in your network, it is easy to change them by using the buttons at the bottom of the Annotation Panel. Selecting a group of nodes and pressing the 'Extract' button will create a new cluster from the selected node(s). Selecting two or more clusters from the table (Ctrl/Command + click) and pressing 'Merge' will create one cluster from the selected clusters. Selecting one or more clusters from the table and pressing 'Delete' will remove the selected clusters from the network.

Editing labels

Because the labels are computed automatically, they will often need some manual adjustment or reordering of words. This can be done easily, by double clicking on the name of a cluster in the table on the Annotation Panel, typing a new name, and pressing enter. It is recommended to look at the WordClouds when doing this, by selecting WordCloud under 'Show on selection:' in the Display Options menu. To tune the labels more globally, the parameters of WordCloud can be adjusted in its panel. For these changes to take effect, you must update both the WordCloud and the annotations.

Frequency Asked Questions


Arkady Arkhangorodsky (

Ruth Isserlin (

Known bugs

ClusterMaker doesn’t run properly on a second enrichment map

Software/EnrichmentMap/Annotation (last edited 2014-08-26 17:21:43 by ArkadyArk)

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