This tool can process a gene expression matrix (in GCT or TXT format) ranked list (RNK format) and:

This can be done either individually or both at the same time.


Supported Operating Systems:

GUI Mode

Command Line Mode

If you are familiar with command line tools under Unix/Linux, -h gives you all the information you need (if not, see below):

$ -h
Usage: [options] -i input.gct -o output.gct [-c platform.chip] [--collapse]

This tool can process a gene expression matrix (in GCT or TXT format) or
ranked list (RNK format) and either replace the Identifier based on a Chip
Annotation file (e.g. AffyID -> Gene Symbol), or collapse the expression
values or rank-scores for Genes from more than one probe set. Both can be done
in one step by using both '-c platform.chip' and '--collapse' at the same
time.For detailed descriptions of the file formats, please refer to:
Call without any parameters to select the files and options with a GUI
(Graphical User Interface)

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FILE, --input=FILE
                        input expression table or ranked list
  -o FILE, --output=FILE
                        output expression table or ranked list
  -c FILE, --chip=FILE  Chip File This implies that the Identifiers are to be
  --collapse            Collapse multiple probe sets for the same gene symbol
  --no-collapse         Don't collapse multiple probesets [default]
  -g, --gui             Open a Window to choose the files and options.
  -q, --quiet           be quiet

On MacOS and Linux you need to make the program executable. Therefore:

On Windows:

Software/EnrichmentMap/CollapseExpressionMatrix (last edited 2010-02-26 23:05:49 by OliverStueker)

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