HyperModules App


HyperModules is a biological interaction network analysis algorithm to analyse gene mutations and clinical information. Specifically, HyperModules uses local graph search heuristics to detect closely connected gene network regions (i.e. network modules) in which gene mutations correlate with clinical features. Clinical features comprise time values like patient survival, or discrete values like tumor stage. To establish statistical significance of clinical correlations in detected modules, HyperModules applies standard tests (Log-rank test, Fisher's exact test). In addition, searches are repeated across many shuffled networks to correct for systematic biases originating from underlying network structure.

HyperModules was designed by Jüri Reimand and Gary Bader. The tool was recently and re-written in Java and implemented as a command line tool and a CytoScape App by Alvin Leung, as part of Google Summer of Code 2013. For more info, please consult the paper detailing HyperModules in Bioinformatics (2014) here and the original paper in Molecular Systems Biology (2013).

HyperModules uses three types of input data:

Command-Line Version

QUICK START: Download the zip file below, unzip, navigate to the folder, and run the following command:

java -jar HyperModules-1.0.1.jar -n example/network_interaction_data.tsv -c example/clinical_data.csv -s example/mutation_data.csv

Alternatively, execute the run.sh file included in the zip file.

The lightweight command line version of the app is implemented in Java and compiled as an executable jar. To run, please ensure you have the latest version of Java installed on your machine. Then, navigate to the folder containing the jar file and run with the following command:

USAGE: java -jar [*.jar] [-n network_interaction_file] [-s samplemutationdata] [-c clinicaldata] [-t statistical_test] [-S shuffle_number] [-C numberofprocessors] [-p pvaluecutoff] [-H headerYorN] [-f variableToTest]

The shuffle number parameter should be between 1000 and 10000, and the statistical test parameter is either "logrank" for survival data or "fisher" for data for a clinical variable. For example, using the attached example input files, assuming we have survival data and we want to do random shuffling of mutation associations 1000 times for accurate FDR discovery rate p-values, we run something that looks like this:

java -Xmx5G -Xss10M -jar HyperModulesCMD-1.0.1.jar -n example/network_interaction_data.tsv -s example/mutation_data.csv -c example/clinical_data.csv -S 1000 -t logrank -p 0.05

After the algorithm has finished running (NOTE: THIS MAY TAKE A LONG TIME, DEPENDING ON THE DENSITY OF THE TOPOLOGY OF THE INTERACTION NETWORK AND THE SIZE OF THE MUTATION DATA), the results will be printed to stdout, while the program messages will be printed to stderr.

The open source code is freely available here.

Cytoscape App Version

A sample cytoscape session file and 3 sample input files and included.

The full version of the app is implemented as a Cytoscape 3.X App (plugin). It will not work on earlier versions - to use, please sure you have the latest version of Cytoscape (Download here)!

To ensure the application has enough memory, it may be useful to go to the Cytoscape.vmoptions file in the .cytoscape directory and add two lines: -Xmx5G -Xss10M

This increases the JVM heap space allocation to 5GB and the stack space per thread to 10MB. For more info, see Cytoscape wiki.

To install the app,

Once the app has been installed, go to Apps and select HyperModules from the dropdown, and then click Open . The main panel should appear as a new tab in the left control panel of Cytoscape. To close the panel (and dispose of all results!), click Close . If you click visualize, you can visualize a small portion of the interaction network currently selected in the Cytoscape viewer. To use it, enter a string into the text field of node names separated by commas and click execute (eg. "GENE1,GENE2,GENE3"). Here follows a brief overview of the options:

App User Panel

Results Panel

The open source code is freely available here.

Software/HyperModules (last edited 2014-05-04 03:02:56 by AlvinLeung)

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