#acl All:read
= Cytoscape Workshop - May 16, 2016 =
'''Network visualization and analysis with Cytoscape'''<
Date: Monday, May 16, 2016<
Time: 1:30pm-3:30pm<
Location: VC 101<
== How to access the internet ==
Username: GLBio2016<
Password: ccbc16
== Computer set up ==
'''Programs to Install''':
1. A robust internet browser such as Chrome (Internet Explorer is not recommended). Firefox and Safari are also fine.
1. Install Java 8 (verify that computer has java 8 installed. )
1. Install Cytoscape 3.3.0: http://chianti.ucsd.edu/cytoscape-3.3.0/
1. Within the Cytoscape program, install the following Cytoscape apps.
* From the menu bar, Apps > App manager...
* Within all apps, Search for the following and Install:
* !EnrichmentMap
* !WordCloud
* !ClusterMaker2
* !AutoAnnotate
== Network visualization using Cytoscape: Introduction ==
* [[attachment:cytoscape_introduction.pptx|Lecture slides]]
== Cytoscape lab practical ==
* [[attachment:lab_practical1_data.zip|download data for exercise]]
* Exercise can be found [[http://vps26122.vps.ovh.ca:8888/notebooks/Lab%20practical%201%20-%20how%20to%20use%20cytoscape.ipynb|here]]
* (alternately it can also be found [[https://github.com/BaderLab/Cytoscape-workshop-docker/blob/master/notebooks/Lab%20practical%201%20-%20how%20to%20use%20cytoscape.ipynb|here]])
== EnrichmentMap: introduction to the exercise ==
* [[attachment:enrichmentmap_introduction.pptx|Lecture slides]]
== Enrichment map practical ==
* [[attachment:lab_practical2_data.zip|download data for exercise]]
* Exercise can be found [[http://vps26122.vps.ovh.ca:8888/notebooks/Lab%20practical%202%20EnrichmentMap%20Hands-on%20training.ipynb|here]]
* (alternately it can also be found [[https://github.com/BaderLab/Cytoscape-workshop-docker/blob/master/notebooks/Lab%20practical%202%20EnrichmentMap%20Hands-on%20training.ipynb|here]])
== Links ==
* Git hub with docker image of workshop files can be found at [[https://github.com/BaderLab/Cytoscape-workshop-docker]]
* Jupyter instance of above notebooks is hosted at [[http://vps26122.vps.ovh.ca:8888/tree]]