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= Daniele Merico =
=== Contact ===
__Location__: Common Lab Area, 6th Floor (CCBR)<
__Email__: <><
__Skype__: the-amerigo<
__Linked-In__: [[http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=4048991&goback=%2Econ-*3conbro*40*4*051*4false*4*02*40%2Ebcc_2220874_1/|Daniele Merico]]<
== Project Directory ==
=== Private Research Projects ===
* [[DanieleMerico/MouseHeart|Mouse Heart Disease Model Project]] (Transcriptomics, Proteomics, miRNA, Pathways)
* [[EnrichmentMap|Enrichment Map: Network Visualization of Enrichment Results]]
* [[DanieleMerico/PathwayViz|Visualization of BioPAX encoded Pathways]]
* [[DanieleMerico/PathGenetics|Functional Enrichment and Pathway Analysis in human genetics]]
* Pathway analysis for cancer data (Guidos-Danska)
* [[CancerStemCellProject|Data directory]]
=== Open Research Projects ===
* Google Summer of Code 2010
* [[GSoC2010_Directory|Semantic Network Summary Directory]]
=== Ideas Notes Links ===
* [[IdeaEnr|Ideas for Enrichment Analysis]]
* [[IdeaWall|Wall of Ideas (multi-project)]]
* [[PapersToRead|Papers to read]]
* [[ProjectLinks|Connectorium]]
* [[ToDoNotes|To-do notes]]
* [[MiscNotes|Misc Notes]]
=== Internal Exchanges ===
* [[Yeast_Chris|Yeast expression data (Chris)]]
== Past Collaborations ==
* '''NF-Y (TF) targets: integrative analysis of ChIP-chip and transcript array data'''
* Roberto Mantovani (UNIMI - DSBB, Milano, Italy)
* '''Functional Landscape of p63 Transcription Factor Targets'''
* Roberto Mantovani (UNIMI - DSBB, Milano, Italy)
* Alessandro Terrinoni (Universita La Sapienza, Roma, Italy)
* '''Functional Landscape of RET Receptor Transcriptional Program'''
* Marco Antoniotti (UNIMIB - DISCo, Milano, Italy)
* Maria Grazia Borrello (Istituto Tumori - Milano, Italy)
* Gariboldi Manuela (Istituto Tumori / IFOM/IEO - Milano, Italy)
* '''Clinical Phenotype Ontology'''
* Gianluca Colombo (UNIMIB - DISCo, Milano, Italy)
== Public Data Resources ==
=== Functional Gene-sets ===
* [[GeneSetDB_02|Gene set collections]]
=== Neurological Gene-sets ===
* [[NeuroGenes_01|Neurobiologically-relevant gene-sets (2011)]]
== Educational ==
=== Microarray Analysis ===
* OBI (Ontario Biomedical Institute): R Programming, Microarray Analysis, Pathway and Network Analysis
* [[attachment:MicroarrayAnalysis_Rprog_L1_U.ppt|Introduction to R Programming - I]]
* [[attachment:MicroarrayAnalysis_Rprog_L2.ppt|Introduction to R Programming - II]]
* [[attachment:MicroarrayAnalysis_Rprog_L3_U.ppt|Introduction to R Programming - III]]
* [[attachment:MicroarrayAnalysis_Rprog_L4_v03.ppt|Microarray Analysis using R Part I: Exploratory Analysis (OBI course Summer 2010)]]
* [[attachment:MicroarrayAnalysis_Rprog_L5_v03.ppt|Microarray Analysis using R Part II: Differential Expression (OBI course Summer 2010)]]
* [[attachment:OBI_EnrPathwAnalysis_I_v13.ppt|Pathway Analysis (OBI course Spring 2010)]]
* Note: if you are interested in attending the full online version of these courses, please visit the [[http://ontariobiomedical.com/030~Courses/010~Bioinformatics_and_Genome_Analysis/|OBI web site]]
* [[attachment:CCBR_GeneExpressionLecture_2009_06.ppt|Overview of Microarray Data Analysis (CCBR graduate lecture)]]
=== Pathway Analysis Readings ===
* [[PathwayAnalysisReadings|Pathway Analysis: Introduction and References]]
=== Statistics ===
* CBW Statistics 2011 Ottawa
* [[attachment:CBW_2011_Mod1_IntroductionR_DM_v06.ppt|Introduction to R]]
* [[attachment:CBW_2011_Mod2_ExplAnalysis_DM_v07.ppt|Exploratory Data Analysis]]
* [[attachment:CBW_2011_Mod3_HypTest_DM_v12.ppt|Inferential Statistics]]
* pdf print outs: [[attachment:CBW_2011_Mod1_IntroductionR_DM_v06_print.pdf|M1]] [[attachment:CBW_2011_Mod2_ExplAnalysis_DM_v07_print.pdf|M2]] [[attachment:CBW_2011_Mod3_HypTest_DM_v12_print.pdf|M3]]
== R Code Directory (Public) ==
=== Microarray Data Analysis ===
* [[DanieleMerico/HowtoDirectory/ExprSet|Affymetrix Microarray Data Processing]]
* [[DanieleMerico/Code/Hierarchical_Pearson|Hierarchical Clustering using Pearson Correlaton]]
=== Gene-set Enrichment Analysis ===
==== Data Formatting ====
* gene sets
* [[DanieleMerico/Code/Bioc2GMT|Generate gene set collections from Bioconductor libraries]]
* [[DanieleMerico/Code/Read_GMT|Reads a GMT file into a R list object, or binary matrix]]
* expression matrix
* [[DanieleMerico/Code/Affy2GSEA|Convert Affy IDs to Entrez-Gene and add symbols and full names]]
==== Tests ====
* [[DanieleMerico/Code/Enr_FET|Fisher's Exact Test (with empirical FDR q-value included)]]
=== ID Conversion ===
* [[DanieleMerico/Code/Conv_Eg_Symbols|Entrez-Gene ID and Symbols]]
=== Network Visualization ===
* [[DanieleMerico/Code/NetworkGexpr_01|Format gene expression data and ppi interaction data for visualization in Cytoscape (OBI Course)]]
=== R Computational Efficiency ===
* [[/Code/Efficiency_Vectorization|Simulation to time vectorization advantages]]
== CV and Publications ==
* [[attachment:cvDanieleMericoEng29General.pdf|Complete CV (includes Publications)]]
== Trivia & Amenities ==
* Is there a link holding together biology, computer science, mathematics, statistics and... cooking? The answer is [[EdibleEnrichmentMaps|yes]]
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Caffeinated_spiderwebs.jpg|Another cup of caffeine..?]]
* How not to build an ontology: The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celestial_Emporium_of_Benevolent_Recognition|Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge's Taxonomy]]
* Something I always remind myself in pathway analysis (on bad days): Videmus nunc per speculum et in aenigmate
* Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem (Occam's Razor). It can be roughly translated into: curb your enthusiasm.
* Natural marvels
* Marvels of cruelty:
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ichneumonidae|Ichneumonidae]]
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_cockroach_wasp|Emerald wasp]]
* (Almost) indestructible life forms:
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tardigrades|Tardigrades]]
* Pseudo-Zombies! <
these parasites modify the host behavior to infect other hosts
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordyceps_unilateralis|Zombie Ants]]
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leucochloridium_paradoxum| Snail Parasite]]
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil_facial_tumor_disease| Infective tumors in Tazmanian Devils]]
* Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes :p
== Old Version ==
[[/Old|Old version of this page]]