#acl All:read ##When updating this page, please add new conferences to the bottom of the list in the Upcoming section and move old conferences to the top of the list in the Passed section. If you notice that one of the lists is out of order, please fix it. Thanks. == Upcoming == * November 30 - December 1, 2007 - [[http://recombsb2007.c2b2.columbia.edu|RECOMB Satellite Conference on Systems Biology]] - University of California, San Diego * December 1-5, 2007 - [[http://www.ascb.org/meetings/|American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting 2007]] - Washington, DC * December 3-4, 2007 - [[http://www.nyas.org/events/eventDetail.asp?eventID=10232&date=12/3/2007|DREAM2 Conference: 2nd Dialogue on Reverse Engineering Assessment and Methods]] - New York Academy of Sciences, New York * December 3-5, 2007 - [[http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~giw2007|The 18th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2007)]] - Biopolis, Singapore * December 6-7, 2007 - [[http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/|2nd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM 2007)]] - Biopolis, Singapore * March 30 - April 2, 2008 - [[http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~recomb08/|12th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB)]] - Singapore * April 20-21, 2008 - [[http://www.systemsbiology.org/symposium/|International Symposium on Systems Biology and Engineering]] - Seattle, Washington More events at the [[http://www.iscb.org/events/event_board.php|ISCB web site]] See [[Conferences]] for a list of conferences we are attending. == Passed == * October 1-6, 2007 - [[http://icsb-2007.org/|The Eighth International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB)]] - Long Beach, California * August 29-September 1, 2007 - [[http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/interuk07.shtml|Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust conference on Interactome Networks - Mapping macromolecular interactions in the cell]] - Hinxton, UK * July 21-25, 2007 - [[http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2007/|ISMB/ECCB 2007]] - Vienna, Austria * July 2-4, 2007 - [[http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/conferences/ab2007/|Second International Conference on Algebraic Biology]] - Castle of Hagenberg, Austria * June 24-29, 2007 - [[http://www.aegeanconferences.org/5thpathwaysnetworkssystems/index.asp|5th International Conference on Pathways, Networks, and Systems]] - Porto Heli, Greece * June 16-18, 2007 - [[http://cpicanada.org/|Seventh Annual International Conference of the Canadian Proteomics Initiative]] - Ottawa, Canada * April 22-23, 2007 - [[http://www.systemsbiology.org/symposium/PreRegister.html|Systems Biology and the Environment]] - Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA * April 20-22, 2007 - [[http://capri.ebi.ac.uk/|CAPRI (Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions)]] - Toronto, Canada * April 16-19, 2007 - [[http://www.nbic.nl/NBIC-ISNB2007/|2nd edition of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Conference (NBIC), 4th edition of the International Symposium on Networks in Bioinformatics (ISNB)]] - Amsterdam, Netherlands * March 6-9, 2007 - [[http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/comp07.shtml|Computational Cell Biology]] - Cold Spring Harbor Labs, NY * February 28-March 2, 2007 - CHI Pathway Analysis Conference, Moscone North Convention Center in San Francisco * July.12-14.2006 - [[http://www.sbmc06.de|Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells]] - Heidelberg, Germany * Aug.6-10.2006 - [[http://ismb2006.cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br/|14th Annual International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2006)]] - Fortaleza, Brazil * Aug.14-18.2006 - [[http://www.lifesciencessociety.org/CSB2006/|CSB2006 - Life Sciences Society Computational Systems Bioinformatics]] - Stanford University, California. * Aug.30-Sep.3.2006 - [[http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/interuk06.shtml|INTERACTOME NETWORKS: Mapping macromolecular interactions in the cell]] - Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK * Sep.4-6.2006 [[http://www.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk/bab/conf/ibiof/|3rd Integrative Bioinformatics Workshop]] - Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom * Sep.7-8.2006 [[http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/Workshops/ReverseEng/|DREAM conference]], Wave Hill Conference Center, New York, NY * Sep.24-26.2006 - [[http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/Genomics06/index_e.html|4th Annual RECOMB Satellite Meeting on Comparative Genomics]] - Montreal, Canada * Sep.25-26.2006 - [[http://www.cng.fr/atelier2006/|Genomic tools for disease studies and other applications]] - Paris, France * Sep.25-27.2006 - [[http://psidev.sourceforge.net/|PSI autumn meeting]] - The premises of the American Chemical Society in Washington, DC * Sep.28-29.2006 - [[http://www.cibcb.org|IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology]] - Renaissance Hotel Downtown, Toronto, Ontario, Canada * Oct.7.2006 - [[http://sbgn.org/doku.php?id=sbgn-2|Systems Biology Graphical Notation Workshop]] - Tokyo, Japan * Oct.8-13.2006 - [[http://www.aegeanconferences.org/registration/meetingregistration/pathways.asp|4th International Conference on Pathways, Networks, and Systems: Theory and Experiments]]. Mykonos, Greece. * Also: http://www.aegeanconferences.org/ * Oct.9-13.2006 - [[http://www.icsb-2006.org/|International Conference for Systems Biology]] - Yokohama, Japan * October 11-14 Cytoscape developer retreat, UCSF, San Francisco * Oct.28-Nov.1.2006 - [[http://www.hupoconference.org/Default.aspx?tabid=30|Hupo 5th Annual World Congress]] - Long Beach, California (July.1.2006 submission deadline) * Oct 30-31.2006 - [[http://pami.uwaterloo.ca/~cswkkong/KDM/|UW and IEEE Kitchener-Waterloo Section Joint Workshop on Knowledge and Data Mining KDM]] - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada * Nov.8.2006 - [[http://www.sysbiosociety.ca|Inaugural Meeting of the Canadian Society for Systems Biology]] - Ottawa, Canada * Nov.9-10.2006 - [[http://mededu.med.uottawa.ca/oisb/sympindex.htm|Progress in Systems Biology 2006]] - Ottawa, Canada * Nov.12-14.2006 - 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Computing & Bioinformatics of CAS - Hefei, China * Nov.13-15.2006 - [[http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/dallas/csb.htm|The IASTED International Conference on Computational and Systems Biology]] - Dallas, TX * Dec 1-3.2006 - [[http://www.iscb.org/rocky06|Rocky ’06]] - Snowmass/Aspen, CO * Dec 1-2.2006 - [[http://chianti.ucsd.edu/recombsysbio06/index.html|RECOMB Satellite conference on Systems Biology]] - UCSD, California - Paper submission deadline: Sep.15.2006 * Dec 2-3.2006 - [[http://chianti.ucsd.edu/recombsysbio06/index.html|RECOMB Satellite conference on Computational Proteomics]] - UCSD, California * Dec 9-10.2006 - [[http://www2.fml.tuebingen.mpg.de/nipscompbio|NIPS New Problems and Methods in Computational Biology]] - Whistler, BC, Canada * Jan.3-7.2007 - [[http://psb.stanford.edu/|PSB - The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing]] - Grand Wailea in Wailea, Maui. * Jan.15-17.2007 - [[http://www.cs.hku.hk/apbc2007/|The Fifth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, APBC2007]] - Hong Kong * Jan.22-24.2007 - [[http://www-static.cc.gatech.edu/~mihail/indexcomplex.html|Georgia Tech/Dimacs Workshop on Complex Networks and Systems]] - Atlanta, GA * Jan.21-24.2007 - [[http://www.eccb06.org/|ECCB 2006 - 5th European Conference on Computational Biology]] - Eilat, Israel (note: date change)