#acl All:read

= Education =

||1998-2002||[http://www.utoronto.ca/ University of Toronto]||Toronto, Ontario||
|| ||'''Ph.D. Biochemistry'''||Bioinformatics||
|||||| ||
||1997-1998||[http://www.utoronto.ca/ University of Toronto]||Toronto, Ontario||
|| ||'''Computer Science''' (3rd year)|| ||
|||||| ||
||1993 - 1997||[http://www.mcgill.ca/ McGill University]||Montreal, Quebec||
|| ||'''B.Sc. Biochemistry'''|| ||
|||||| ||

'''Languages:''' English (native), French[[BR]]
'''Computer Languages:''' Java, C, Perl, wide-ranging technical computer expertise

= Research =

||Apr 2006-present||[http://www.utoronto.ca/ University of Toronto]||Toronto, Ontario||
|| ||'''Assistant Professor'''||[http://www.utoronto.ca/bandb/ Banting and Best Department of Medical Research]||
|||| ||[http://tdccbr.med.utoronto.ca Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research (CCBR)]||
|| ||'''Associate Investigator'''||[http://www.mshri.on.ca/ Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute], [http://www.mtsinai.on.ca/ Mount Sinai Hospital], Toronto||
|| ||||<(> Biological pathway and network analysis, protein interaction prediction, network evolution||
|||||| ||
||Dec 2002-Mar 2006||[http://www.mskcc.org/ Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center]||New York, NY||
|| ||'''Post-Doctoral Fellow'''||[http://www.cbio.mskcc.org/ Computational Biology Center]||
|| ||Supervisor: [http://cbio.mskcc.org/people/info/chris_sander.html Chris Sander]||
|| ||||<(> Biological pathway and network informatics, protein interaction prediction||
|||||| ||
||Sep 1998-Oct 2002||[http://www.utoronto.ca/ University of Toronto], [http://www.mshri.on.ca/ Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute]||Toronto, Ontario||
|| ||'''Ph.D.'''||[http://www.biochemistry.utoronto.ca/ Biochemistry]||
|| ||Supervisor: Christopher W.V. Hogue||
|| ||||<(> Development and use of the Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND) attachment:baderBINDThesis.pdf||
|||||| ||

= Teaching =

||'''June, 2007'''||Lecturer for [http://www.bioinformatics.ca/ Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop] Bioinformatics ||Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada||
||'''June, 2007'''||Lecturer for [http://lipari.cs.unict.it/LipariSchool/Bio/index.php Advanced Computational Proteomics: Structure, Imaging and Control] ||Lipari, Italy||
||'''June, 2007'''||[http://www.medils.hr/Default.aspx?art=128&sec=96 Workshop on Functional Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine]||MedILS, Split, Croatia||
||'''April, 2007'''||Guest lecture for Graduate Course in [http://www.utoronto.ca/zhanglab/MMG1016H/class.html Comparative Genomics] - MMG 1012H||University of Toronto||
||'''March, 2007'''||Panel discussion on "Achieving a Career in Academia"||Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto||
||'''January, 2007'''||Guest lecture for Graduate Course in [http://www.utoronto.ca/medicalgenetics/student%20site/course%20requirements.htm Functional Genomics/Proteomics] - MMG 1012H||University of Toronto||
||'''November, 2006'''||Lecturer for Undergraduate Course in [http://biochemistry.utoronto.ca/undergraduates/courses/BCH441H/ Bioinformatics] - BCH441H / BCH1441H||University of Toronto||
||'''November, 2006'''||Lecturer for Graduate Course in [http://biochemistry.utoronto.ca/graduate_studies/courses/JTB2010H/index.html Proteomics and Functional Genomics] - JTB2010H [attachment:2006_Nov13_JTB2010_lecture.ppt.pdf Slides]||University of Toronto||
||'''June, 2006'''||Lecturer for [http://www.bioinformatics.ca/ Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop] Proteomics ||Calgary, Alberta, Canada||
||'''June, 2004'''||Lecturer for Graduate Course in “Bioinformatics and Computational Biomedicine”||Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York||
||'''August 2003[[BR]](repeated August 2004)'''||Lecturer for Graduate Course in “Introduction to Computational Biomedicine”||Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York||
||'''Apr 29-May 4, 2002'''||Teaching Assistant/Lecturer for [http://www.bioinformatics.ca/ Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop] Proteomics ||Windsor, Ontario, Canada||
||'''Jun 11-16, 2001'''||Teaching Assistant for [http://www.bioinformatics.ca/ Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop] Proteomics||Edmonton, Alberta, Canada||
||'''Jun 26 – July 1, 2000'''||Teaching Assistant for [http://www.bioinformatics.ca/ Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop] Developing the Tools||Montreal, Quebec, Canada||

= Publications =

= Conference Organization =

  *14 BioPAX workshops (~10-30 participants)
  *New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Denver, Detroit, Tokyo
 *September 8-9, 2004
  *The 2nd Annual Cytoscape Conference (~40 participants)
  *MSKCC, New York, NY

= Journal Reviewer =
Applied Bioinformatics, Bioessays, Biosilico, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, FEBS Letters,
Genome Biology, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, Nucleic Acids Research, Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Molecular Systems Biology, Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, PLoS Biology, PLoS Computational Biology, PNAS, Science

= Committees =
 * '''Conference:''' [http://www.nyas.org/events/eventDetail.asp?eventID=10232&date=12/3/2007 2nd Dialogue on Reverse Engineering Assessment and Methods (DREAM2), Program Committee] - New York, 2007
 * '''Conference:''' [http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~giw2007/ 18th International Conference on Genome Informatics, Program committee] - Singapore, Dec.2007
 * '''Conference:''' [http://caprimeeting.ccb.sickkids.ca/ 3rd CAPRI evaluation meeting, Organizing committee] - Toronto, Apr.2007
 * '''Conference:''' [http://chianti.ucsd.edu/recombsysbio06/index.html RECOMB Satellite Conference on: Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics, Program Committee] - San Diego, Dec.2006
 * '''Conference:''' [http://magnet.c2b2.columbia.edu/news/DREAMInitiative.pdf Dialogue on Reverse Engineering Assessment and Methods (DREAM), Program Committee] - New York, 2006
 * '''Conference:''' [http://ismb2006.cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br/ Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2006, Program Committee] - Fortaleza, Brazil, 2006
 * '''Conference:''' [http://research.calit2.net/recomb-workshop05/ The First Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Systems Biology and The Second Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Regulatory Genomics, Program Committee] - San Diego, Nov.2005
 * '''Conference:''' [http://www.iscb.org/ismb2005/ Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2005, Program Committee], Detroit, USA, 2005
 * '''Standard:''' Biological Pathway Exchange Standards Initiative (BioPAX) - http://www.biopax.org/
 * '''Standard:''' Proteomics Standards Initiative Molecular Interactions (PSI-MI) - http://psidev.sourceforge.net/
 * '''Consortium:''' Board Member, [http://www.proteinmodules.org/ Protein Modules Consortium] - From 2005
 * '''Consortium:''' Board Member, [http://cytoscape.org The Cytoscape Consortium] - From 2006