##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #acl All:read = Gary Bader = {{attachment:gary.png}} '''Short bio:'''<
> Gary Bader is a Professor at The Donnelly Centre at the University of Toronto and an international leader in the field of Computational Biology. The Bader lab uses molecular interaction, pathway and ‘omics data to gain a ‘causal’ mechanistic understanding of normal and disease phenotypes. They are developing novel computational approaches that combine molecular interaction and pathway information with ‘omics data to develop clinically predictive models and identify therapeutically targetable pathways. This research, for instance, helped identify a histone methylation inhibitor as the first therapeutic candidate for pediatric ependymoma, a common childhood brain cancer (work with Michael Taylor at SickKids). See http://baderlab.org '''Education:'''<
> Gary Bader completed post-doctoral work in the group of Chris Sander in the Computational Biology Center (cBio) at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Gary developed the Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND) during his PhD in the lab of Christopher Hogue in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto and the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. He completed a BSc in Biochemistry at McGill University in Montreal. [[/CurriculumVitae|Full Curriculum Vitae]] [[http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=22M9eisAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&pagesize=100|Google Scholar Profile]] The Donnelly Centre is an interdisciplinary centre at the University of Toronto (UofT), with many UofT departments represented and with occupants usually cross-appointed to many departments. == Affiliations == <> == Contact == Phone: 416-978-3935<
> Fax: 416-978-8287<
> gary.bader *a-t* utoronto.ca<
> Also available by Google Plus (preferred) and Skype<
> (e-mail me for my username) == Physical work location == The Donnelly Centre<
> University of Toronto<
> 160 College Street, Room 602<
> Toronto, Ontario<
> Canada, M5S 3E1<
> <
> [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=160+College+St,+Toronto+ON&om=1|Map]] == Links == * There are two other Bader labs in computational biology led by Joel and David Bader, respectively. They are brothers, but I am not related to them. * Joel Bader Lab at Johns Hopkins: http://www.bme.jhu.edu/labs/bader/ * David Bader Lab at Georgia Tech: http://www-static.cc.gatech.edu/~bader/ * Check out: * [[http://dumontierlab.com/|Michel Dumontier's lab at Carleton University in Ottawa]] * Host of the [[http://software.dumontierlab.com/asn-browser/|BIND and NCBI ASN.1 Browser]] * [[http://johnlab.org/|Bino John's lab at the University of Pittsburgh]] * [[http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Teams/Team101/|Anton Enright's lab at the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK]] * [[http://www.chemcomp.com|Chemiinformatics in Montreal]] - Home of Howard Feldman * [[http://open.utoronto.ca/|Open access at the University of Toronto]] * [[http://www.proteinmodules.org/|The Protein Modules Consortium]] * [[http://crazedmonkey.com/toronto-transit-map/|TTC info on Google Maps]] * [[http://hypothesize.wordpress.com/|Hypothesize blog]] * [[http://www.prepaid-wireless-guide.com|Interesting guide for prepaid wireless phones]] * [[http://www.maxgimblett.com/|New York art]] * [[http://samanthamyers.typepad.com/theycalledmemayerjuly/|Mayer July]] * [[http://www.tiberino.com/homeENG.htm|These are soooo goood]] == Wiki pages of interest == * MultiplePerturbationReferenceList * IdentifierMapping ---- Under construction: * InformationResources * WikiTips ---- CategoryHomepage