Bader Lab

Computational Network Biology

We study the organization and evolution of biological systems using computational biology and bioinformatics techniques. We seek to accurately predict links, such as specific molecular interactions, in eukaryotic cell signaling systems using comprehensive genomics data like genome sequence and transcript profiles. We are interested to find how these links are rewired by mutations to cause disease. This work is supported through the development of open-source biological pathway and network databases and visualization and analysis software.

More about our research or view our research interests as art.

Non-expert explanation

Watch the Inner Life of the Cell movie from Harvard (45MB)


Where we are:
160 College Street, Room 602
The Donnelly Centre
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5S 3E1

Map Picture The Donnelly Centre 6th Floor

Gary Bader
Phone: 416-978-6888
gary.bader *a-t*

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