#acl All:read <> = Students = == Graduate Students == * Potential graduate students (e.g. students looking for a rotation) who have already been accepted to the departments of [[http://www.moleculargenetics.utoronto.ca/|Medical Genetics]] or [[http://web.cs.toronto.edu/|Computer Science]] are encouraged to contact [[GaryBader|Gary Bader]] by e-mail about positions. Prospective PhD students should check out [[http://www.moleculargenetics.utoronto.ca/cbmg/|the Molecular Genetics Computational Biology program]]. Please familiarize yourself with this website and express your research interests in your e-mail. Experience or strong interest in biology and computer science is expected. Computer programming ability is required e.g. R, Python. == Co-op Students == * Co-op students (e.g. from the [[http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/navigation/Prospective/programs/bioinfo.shtml|University of Waterloo co-op program]]) are encouraged to contact [[GaryBader|Gary Bader]] by e-mail about positions. == Summer Students == * Undergraduate students seeking a Computational Biology/Bioinformatics research position for the summer are encouraged to contact [[GaryBader|Gary Bader]] by e-mail, ideally between January-April of that year, to find out about available summer positions. Also, the Molecular Genetics Department has a [[http://www.moleculargenetics.utoronto.ca/summer-research-program|summer program that you can apply to]]. Computer programming ability and a strong interest in biology is required. * We mentor students in the Google Summer of Code program every summer, so consider please this program. Applications are usually due annually in March. * UpbeaT, the Student Life blog for the UofT St. George campus has a useful post with advice about summer positions: http://blogs.studentlife.utoronto.ca/UpbeaT/2009/11/06/so-you-want-a-summer-research-position/ == Undergraduate Project Courses == * If you plan to take an undergraduate project course and are interested in Computational Biology or Bioinformatics, please contact [[GaryBader|Gary Bader]] by e-mail to explore the possibilities of completing a research project in the Bader group. These courses are available in many departments. = Post-Doctoral Fellows = * We periodically have excellent research opportunities for Post-doctoral fellows. Please email your CV and a statement of research interests to [[GaryBader|Gary Bader]]. = Bioinformatics Software Developers = * We periodically have positions for software developers. Contact [[GaryBader|Gary Bader]] for more information. '''Note: Unfortunately, due to email overload, I can only reply selectively, but don't let this discourage you from emailing me. I do read all email.'''