Postdoc Researcher, Bader Lab
The Donnelly Centre,
University of Toronto (UofT)
Contact Address: Map
160 College Street, Room 630
The Donnelly Centre
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5S 3E1
Email: mohamed.attiashahata AT
Grants, Honors, Awards & Fellowships
• 2013~Present: Postdoctoral fellowship from the University of Toronto (UofT), Canada
• 2012: Postdoctoral fellowship from Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2012(10)~2013(3), Japan
• 2011: DC2 Research fellowship from Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2011(4)~2012(9), Japan
• 2010: Student Publication Award (Life Sciences) from Misr Elkhir Foundation, Cairo, Egypt
• 2010: Traveling grant from The Human Proteome Organization (HUPO'10), Australia
• 2010: Taikichiro Mori memorial research grants (2010), Japan
• 2009: Taikichiro Mori memorial research grants (2009), Japan
• 2009: RA-Ship, Global Center of Excellence (G-COE), Keio University, Japan
• 2008: Taikichiro Mori memorial research grants (2008), Japan
• 2008: Taikichiro Mori memorial travel grants (2008), Japan
• 2008: RA-Ship, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, Japan
• 2007: RA-Ship, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University, Japan
• 2007~2011: Scholarship Masters and PhD studying abroad from Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt
• 1998: Top Student Award from 6th of October University, Egypt