#acl All:read DanieleMerico:write,delete,revert
= CNV Enrichment Test Code =
== Reference Paper ==
'''Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders.'''<
>Pinto D, Pagnamenta AT, Klei L, Anney R, '''Merico D''', Regan R, et al. <
>[[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nature09146.html|Nature. 2010 Jun 9 (Epub ahead of print)]]
== Brief Description ==
This test was designed to assess which gene-sets are hit by CNVs, comparing cases to controls. It is a "self-contained" type test; unlike "competitive" tests, it does not rely on a gene-level statistics, but directly constructs a statistic at the gene-set level. It requires an input table connecting CNVs to patients (cases and controls). Please see the code below for a more detailed description of the input requirements.
Essential description of the test procedure:
* CNVs can occur both in control and case patients (about with the same frequency for the Autism study)
* whenever a gene is affected by a CNV, we hypothesize every gene-set including that gene will (have a non-zero probability to) be "perturbed"
* every patient contributes to the gene-set perturbation score as follows <
* 0 = no CNV-affected gene in this gene-set for this patient
* 1 = one or more CNV-affected genes in this gene-set for this patient
* note: perturbation scores can be statistically treated as counts
* we perform a Fisher's Exact Test on perturbation scores, comparing the case to the control class <
we specifically test if perturbations are significantly higher in cases than in controls, for every gene-set
* we also compute an "empirical" FDR (False Discovery Rate), by permuting patient-to-case/control associations
For a more detailed description, please refer to the [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v466/n7304/abs/nature09146.html#/supplementary-information|paper supplementaries]]
== Code ==
The script below calls the functions in the zipped file at the bottom.
=== Script ===
#!rscript numbers=off
# (by DANIELE MERICO, Sept 2010)
# CNV data
# 'CNV.df' is a data.frame with the following columns:
# $Class (values: "case", "control")
# $SampleID [i.e. patient identifier]
# $Chr [i.e. CNV genomic coordinate: chromosome]
# $Coord_i [i.e. CNV genomic coordinate: begin position]
# $Coord_f [i.e. CNV genomic coordinate: end position]
# $Length [i.e. CNV genomic coordinate: length]
# $Type (values: '0' = DEL, '1' = DEL, '3' = DUP)
# $Genes_eg (use ';' to separate multiple values) [i.e. genes overlapped by the CNV, Entrez-gene identifier]
# $Gene_count [i.e. number of genes in the previous field]
# 'Sample2Class.df' can be extracted from the previous:
# it is a data.frame with the following columns:
# $SampleID
# $Class
# Gene sets
# 'GS2Genes.ls' is a list, with
# - gene-set IDs as names
# - genes (entrez-gene IDs) as slot content
# 'GS2Name.chv' is a character vector, where
# - names are the gene-set IDs
# - values are the gene-set descriptions
# These can be generated by parsing the GMT-formatted gene-sets at this page:
# http://baderlab.org/GeneSetDB_02
# - NB: don't forget filtering for size;
# we originally discarded gene-sets smaller than 5 genes and larger than 700 genes
# - Load all functions
function.names <- c (
"CNV_Key_01.R", "Sample2genes_from_CNV_01.R", "Sample2GS_from_Sample2genes_01.R", "FisherTestGS_01.R",
"Add_GSname_01.R", "AddGSsize_toEnrdf_01.R",
"GeneCounts_from_CNV_01.R", "AddSuppGenes_toEnrdf_01.R"
for (f.name in function.names)
{source (f.name)}
# 1) Set parameters
# To keep only CNV-DEL, of any gene length
CNV_Limits.nv <- c (+Inf, 0)
names (CNV_Limits.nv) <- c ("DEL", "DUP")
# To keep both CNV-DEL and CNV-DUP, of any gene length
CNV_Limits.nv <- c (+Inf, +Inf)
names (CNV_Limits.nv) <- c ("DEL", "DUP")
# Add any Entrez-gene you want to remove from the analysis
# (use only for hypothesized false positives, e.g. instable regions)
Blacklist.eg <- ""
# Number of randomizations for FDR computation
Iter.n <- 5
# 2) Filter
CNV_f.df <- f.Filter_CNV2gene (
CNV.df = CNV.df,
CNV_limits.nv = CNV_Limits.nv,
blacklist.eg = Blacklist.eg
# 3) Generate 'sample 2 gene-sets' table
CNV_f.df <- f.MakeCNV_key (CNV_f.df)
Samples2Genes.ls <-
f.Comp_Sample2genes (CNV.df = CNV_f.df)
Sample2GS.tab <- f.Comp_Sample2GS (
GS2genes.ls = GS2Genes.ls,
Sample2genes.ls = Samples2Genes.ls,
Sample2class.df = Sample2Class.df
# 4) Run Test
Enr_1.df <- f.FisherTestGS_FDR_Wrap (
Sample2GS.tab = Sample2GS.tab,
Sample2class.df = Sample2Class.df,
iter.n = Iter.n
# 5) Add gene-set attributes
Enr_2.df <- f.AddGeneSize (
GS2genes.ls = GS2Genes.ls,
Enr.df = Enr_1.df
Enr_2.df <- f.Add_GSname (
GS2name.chv = GS2Name.chv,
Enr.df = Enr_2.df
# 6) Add support genes
# - defined as the genes with more mutations in cases than ctrls
CNV_Gene.tab <-
f.CompGeneCounts (CNV.df = CNV_f.df)
Enr_3.df <- f.AddSupportGenes (
GS_enr.df = Enr_2.df,
Genes2class.tab = CNV_Gene.tab,
GS2genes.ls = GS2Genes.ls
Enr_final.df <- Enr_3.df
# 1) Compute Gene Tables
# - these have stats by-gene
source ("GeneTable_01.R")
GeneTable.ls <- f.MakeGeneTable (
Enr.df = Enr_final.df,
eg2sy.chv = Ann_eg2sy.chv,
GeneCounts.tab = CNV_Gene.tab,
GS2genes.ls = GS2Genes.ls,
CNV.df = CNV_f.df
=== Functions ===
* [[attachment:Pinto2010_Code.zip|Functions (zip file)]]